

    08 December 2010, Volume 7 Issue 12 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Comparative Study on Acute Toxicity of Different Components of Polygonum multiflorum in Mice
    HUANG Wei, ZHANG Ya-nan ,SUN Rong
    2010, 7(12): 705-707. 
    Abstract ( 211 )   PDF (323KB) ( 254 )  
    Objective To compare the acute toxicity of different components from Polygonum multiflorum in mice and make an observation and evaluation of acute toxicity to Polygonum multiflorum in order to provide experimental data for safe use in clinical. Methods Respectively prepare the all components, water extraction components, alcohol extraction components, and compare the acute toxicity of different components in Polygonum multiflorum on mice in accordance with classical acute toxicity test methods. Results The acute toxicity of different components in on mice is: all components >alcohol extraction components >water extraction components. The all components, water extraction components, alcohol extraction components in Polygonum multiflorum are unable to make LD50, MTD Results calculated in accordance with crude drug content were respectively 20.0g·kg-1·, 98.4g·kg-1·d-1 and 78.0g·kg-1·d-1, which is equal to 116.7 times, 574.0 times and 455.0 times of 70 kg people’s daily dried medicinal herb expenses. Diarrhea and hypokinesia were the main acute toxicial symptoms. Conclusion The Polygonum multiflorum has certain toxicity, which is consistent with the clinical adverse effect. By comparing the acute toxicity of different components in , it is beneficial to make an observation and evaluation of acute toxicity to Polygonum multiflorum and provide experimental basis for further toxicity-based toxical substances. The toxical components and toxical mechanism should be researched fourthly.
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    Simultaneously Determination of Oleanolic Acid and Ursolic Acid in Medofenoxate Fruits by HPLC
    ZHANG Hai-feng ,SUN Jian ,TENG Kun ,ZHU Jun-yi
    2010, 7(12): 708-709. 
    Abstract ( 193 )   PDF (353KB) ( 248 )  
    Objective To establish a HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of Oleanolic Acid and Ursolic Acid in Medofenoxate fruits. Methods Agilent XDBC18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm) column was applied, using methanolacetonitrile-0.3% phosphoric acid(30 :60 :10) as mobile phase with the rate of 0.8mL·min-1. The column temperature was room temperature and the detective wavelength was 210nm. Results A good linearity was obtained over the range of 0.2052~3.2832μg for Oleanolic Acid(r=0.9995). The average recovery(n=6) was 101.11%(RSD=1.69%);A good linearity was obtained over the range of 0.2072~3.3152μg for Ursolic Acid(r=0.9993). The average recovery(n=6) was 98.51%(RSD=2.67%). Conclusion The method is practical, convenient, accurate, and can be used as the simultaneous determination of Oleanolic Acid and Ursolic Acid in Medofenoxate fruits.
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    N europrotection of Total Flavones of Bidens Bipinnata L. on Brain Damage Following Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Rats
    BAO Xue-ying ,QI Xin HU Yuan, LIU Yu-xiang ,XIE Jing, QU Ji-bing
    2010, 7(12): 710-712. 
    Abstract ( 180 )   PDF (386KB) ( 97 )  
    Objective To investigate the neuroprotective and mechanism of total flavones of bidens bipinnata L.(TFB) on brain damage following experimental intracerebral hemorrhage in rats. Methods Experimental intracerebral hemorrhage was induced in rats through infusion 50μL of fresh autologous blood drawn into the caudate uncleus. The brain water content, whole blood viscosity and the level of SOD, MDA and NO were measured. Results TFB (100mg·kg-1、30mg·kg-1、10mg·kg-1) significant improve the brain water content and status whole blood viscosity. The level of MDA, NO was lower, and the level of SOD was obviously higher in high-, middle-dose TFB group in cerebral tissue( P<0.05). Conclusion TFB has evident protective effect on brain damage after experimental intracerebral hemorrhage in rats, which maybe related to diminished cerebral edema, improve the microcirculation status of peri-hematomal penumbra, the increased the ability of decreased lipid peroxidation, inhibited production of NO.
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    The Application of Fit and Presume in The Trend of Resistance of E.Coli to Ceftazidime by GM(1,1) Model
    DING Fan
    2010, 7(12): 713-714. 
    Abstract ( 183 )   PDF (406KB) ( 186 )  
    Objective Study on GM(1,1)model fit and presume the trend in resistance of E.coli to Ceftazidime. Methods The realistic data about drug-resistance of E.coli to Ceftazidime were collected from the China National Knowledge Internet(CNKI) during 1996~2008 years.Using GM(1,1)model to fit and presume the drug-resistance data. Judging the fitted Results by RSE, MAD and ARE. Results 386 papers and 910 data were collected from CNKI about drug-resistance of E.coli to Ceftazidime during 1996~2008 years in China. GM(1,1)model fitted Results show minor value in RSE, MAD, ARE and high accuracy. GM(1,1)model presume Results show a quickly increasing trend in drug-resistance of E.coli to Ceftazidime in next five years. Conclusion The drug -resistance of E.coli to Ceftazidime show a increasing trend during 1996~2008 years in China. GM(1,1)model could fit and presume the resistant trend very well. GM ( 1,1) model presume Results suggest that clinician should consider strengthening the combination therapy, appropriating replacement drugs to prevent the increasing of drug-resistance and reduce waste of resources.
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    Influence of Xuesaitong Injection on Collagen Induced Platelet Adhesion and Aggregation Investigated by Shear Stress Controlled Microfluidic Device
    ZHANG Yi, LIN Ling ,LIAO Fu –long, YOU Yun
    2010, 7(12): 715-718. 
    Abstract ( 223 )   PDF (291KB) ( 230 )  
    Objective To observe the real-time influence of Xuesaitong injection on the collagenI induced platelet adhesion and aggregation. Methods Bioflux1000 microfluidic device was employed in this study for the first time. The observation channels were coated with collagen I. SD rats underwent anesthesia and blood withdrawn from aortic vessels with 3.8% sodium citrate 1:9 anticoagulation. Whole blood with Calcein AM(4μM) fluorescent labeling for 1 hr. Different concentration of Xuesaitong Injection were added to whole blood incubated for 10 minutes in room tempreture. Whole blood was perfused from the wells at different shear stress for 5 minutes. Fluorescent micrographs were captured with the blood under flow using an inverted microscope and CCD Camera. Inhibition rates by medicine were calculate by percent of control. Results Exposure to collagenI mediated stable platelet adhesion and aggregation within two to three minutes under 10dyn/cm2 flow. The IC50 of Xuesaitong injection on inhibiting platelet adhesion and aggregation is 0.25mg/ml under 10dyn/cm2 flow. By curve estimate we found the logarithm relation between shear stress and efficacy(R2=0.97). Conclusion Xuesaitong injection could inhibit collagen-induced platelet adhesion and aggregation under flow; Shear stress showed impact on the efficacy of medicine; Bioflux1000 could be used to evaluate the efficacy of Chinese medicine.
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    Expl oration on Methodology of Clinical Evaluation about Adverse Drug Reaction of Interaction between Chinese Herbs and Western Drug
    LIU Kai ,LUO Hui, LIU Jian-ping
    2010, 7(12): 719-721. 
    Abstract ( 172 )   PDF (448KB) ( 149 )  
    According to concept and characteristics of adverse drug reaction of the interaction between Chinese herbs and western drug, and targeting for existing research about adverse drug reaction of herb and drug interaction, this article explored the judgment of causality relationship, judgment and analysis of herb and drug interaction, using evidence -based pharmacology methodology and explain how to design clinical study protocol in order to improve scientific nature, standardization and practicability in interaction clinical study. At the same time, the research can also offer high quality research evidence for adverse drug reaction evaluation study in order to realize guiding reasonable clinical drug use and improve safety of Chinese herbs and western drug for simultaneous use.
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    The Application of Cohort Study in Adverse Drug Reaction
    HAN Mei ,LUO Hui ,LIU Jian -ping
    2010, 7(12): 722-725. 
    Abstract ( 182 )   PDF (551KB) ( 562 )  
    This assay introduced the basic concept and design of cohort study and the procedures to implement a cohort study to evaluate adverse drug reactions. We also discussed the current status of application of cohort study to study the adverse drug reactions, and to further explore the relationship between cohort study and phaseⅣ clinical trial in the area of drug safety.
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    The Investigation of Actions and Factors Analysis of Irrational Drug Use in Clinic
    CHEN Hui ,GUO Dai-hong, DU Xiao-xi ,ZHANG Su-min ,LIU Gui-yang ,ZHANG Su-qiong CHEN Chao ,DONG Fang, SHI Guo-bing, ZHANG Qin
    2010, 7(12): 726-729. 
    Abstract ( 171 )   PDF (496KB) ( 334 )  
    Objective To investigate and analyze the risk of safe drug use in hospital patients and in order to provide reference for administrating intervention of rational drug use. Methods To mornitor and statistical analyze the case of irrationality during whole range of drug use of all the hospital patients in Respiratory, Cardiology, General Surgery and Orthopedics in the three comprehensive hospital from May to December in 2008 with case survey of epidemiology. Results There were 1 188 cases(24.19%) of irrational drug use in 4 910 patients in the three hospitals. The frequency of problems causing by dosing concentration(308 cases), time separation(214 cases) and Non-indication medication(147 cases) were the top three in all the index. The consequence of correlation factor showed that the half had been personal relation. There were 302 cases(60.85%) of irrational drug use in 473 enforce monitoring cases, and 23.68%(112 cases) were provided by additional index. Conclusion The key of standardize drug use in clinic,was to provide accurate knowledge, reinforce supervision and enhance responsibilities of staff in hospitals.
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    Non-Clinical Safety Study's Role on Safety Reassessment of Post-Marketing Traditional Chinese Medicine
    SONG Jun, ZHAO Jun-ning ,WU Cheng-yun ,ZHOU Ya-li
    2010, 7(12): 730-732. 
    Abstract ( 227 )   PDF (460KB) ( 277 )  
    It was discussed that non-clinical safety study's role on safety reassessment of post -marketing Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) from aspects of toxic connotation, aim and effect of non-clinical safety study. It was proved by experience and fact that non-clinical safety study could provided referential testing data for clinical use, prompted the risk, weighed the advantage and disadvantage of drug and remedied the deficiency of clinical safety study, non-clinical safety study could gradually deepened and enriched safety evaluation and provided basic study support for new ADRs of post-marketing TCM as well. So it was strongly recommended that non-clinical safety study could played an considerable and indispensable role.
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    Safety Issue and Strategy Existing in the Nursing of Chemotherapy Drug
    WANG Mei ,HAN Tian-tian
    2010, 7(12): 733-736. 
    Abstract ( 170 )   PDF (514KB) ( 327 )  
    Nurses are exposed to the chemotherapy drug during the treatment of the tumor. The drug can cause occupational impairment. So nurses should recognize the significance of obeying rules and strengthen the chemotherapy protection in order to ensure the physical and mental health.
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    Arrangement of Adverse Drug Reaction of Tibetan Medicine in“Jing Zhu Materia Medica”
    FAN Ping-ping, YAN Lin
    2010, 7(12): 735-737. 
    Abstract ( 186 )   PDF (624KB) ( 394 )  
    Objective Through analyzing the research status of Tibetan Medicine which can induce adverse drug reaction (ADR) recorded in "Jing Zhu Materia Medica", to provide some references for safe medication and the research on ADR of Tibetan Medicine. Methods Category ADR of Tibetan Medicine recorded in "Jing Zhu Materia Medica", statistic the number of various types, and compare them with ADR of modern research. Conclusion "Jing Zhu Materia Medica" records 120 kinds of Tibetan medicine which can induce ADR. They are mentioned in four ways: describe the specific performance of the ADR; reduce or eliminate the ADR by processing or compatibility; caution or avoid the use of some medicine in some physiological or pathological conditions; mentioned with toxic, orviolent nature, or heavy, or sharp. The ADR recorded in "Jing Zhu Materia Medica" has been basically confirmed in modern research, but sporadic in describing; while modern research is in system and more specific.
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    Discussion on the Influence of Interaction to the Safety of Traditional Chinese Medicine Injection by Reviewing the Interactive Study of Compound Danshen Injection
    HUANG Yuan, REN Jing -tian, GUO Xiao -xin
    2010, 7(12): 738-740. 
    Abstract ( 160 )   PDF (608KB) ( 907 )  
    The irrational use of traditional Chinese medicine injection is an important factor to the safety of it'clinical application. By reviewing the interactive study of compound Danshen injection,we discussed the influence of interaction to the safety of traditional Chinese medicine injection and hope more attention will be paid to interaction study of traditional Chinese medicine.
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    Safety Evaluation and Rational Use of External Application of Over the Counter Chinese Patent Medicines for Orthopedics
    JI Yuan ,ZHANG Li
    2010, 7(12): 741-744. 
    Abstract ( 165 )   PDF (630KB) ( 322 )  
    External application of Chinese patent medicines have unique advantages in the treatment of orthopedic diseases. However, more attention are needed to this category of medicine that are over the counter(OTC) to maximize the therapeutic effects and minimize medication risk. This article summarizes risk characteristics and the relevant factors by analysis of the typical safety case reports and put forward that it is an important measure to abide the conventional and special rules during medication.
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    The Current States and Thinking of Incompatibility of Antagonisms among 18 Chinese Medicinal Herbs
    SUN Rong, ZHOU Sheng-hong ,LI Chang-hua ,ZHU Lan-lan ,HUANG You-yi
    2010, 7(12): 745-747. 
    Abstract ( 205 )   PDF (549KB) ( 333 )  
    Objective By checking and combing pertinent literature,Summarizing the current states of incompatibility of antagonisms among 18 Chinese medicinal herbs, and exploring the toxicity and material base of antagonisms among 18 Chinese medicinal herbs, to offer important accordance for clinical safety use. Methods The related references in recent 15 years about antagonisms among 18 Chinese medicinal herbs were analyzed,collected and summerized. Results Antagonisms among 18 Chinese medicinal herbs was not absolute incompatibility ,which toxicity was related to many factors such as dose-combination and ratio etc. Conclusion Rationality of Antagonisms among 18 Chinese medicinal herbs was still a disputed subject,which must to havea further research about compatibility toxicity and toxic ingredient of antagonisms among 18 Chinese medicinal herbs.
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    Analysis for 249 Cases of Adverse Drug Reaction of β-lactams Antibiotics and its Preventive Measure
    QU Cai-hong ,SU Xiang-yang ,LI Xiao-yan ,ZHANG Ping
    2010, 7(12): 748-750. 
    Abstract ( 185 )   PDF (633KB) ( 272 )  
    Objective To investigate the epidemiology of adverse drug reaction(ADR) of β-lactams antibiotics and its preventive measure. Methods We classified and analyzed 249 cases of adverse drug reaction of β-lactams antibiotics which is reported to National center for ADR Monitoring during 2006~2009, according to the type of adverse drug reaction、pharmacological action, age, sex, form of medication. Results adverse drug reaction of β-lactams involved in skin and its appendix、central nervous system、digestion system、hematological system、urinary system and so on. Among them skin and its appendix、central nervous system and gastrointestinal reactions are easy to acquire, others are obscure and difficult to find. Conclusion To comprehend the past hypersensitive history before administration, decrease drug combination, select rational administration, and administrate according to instruction dosage is the fundamental path to prevent ADR.
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    Analysis on 4750 Adverse Drug Reaction Cases of Anti-tuberculosis Drugs
    FENG Hong-yun, CHEN Yi-xin
    2010, 7(12): 751-754. 
    Abstract ( 200 )   PDF (631KB) ( 251 )  
    Objective To investigate the general conditions and harm to patients of anti -tuberculosis drugs, and to provide informations for rational administration. Methods The adverse drug reaction(ADR) cases of antituberculosis drugs in national ADR monitoring database were retrieved and analyzed statistically. Results There were ADR of anti-tuberculosis drugs were in every age group. The ADR of anti-tuberculosis drugs involved liver and gall system, happened in 50 days after medication, and the prognosis of anti-tuberculosis drugs ADR was well. Conclusion In order to ensure the effective anti-tuberculosis treatment, clinicians should be familiar with the common ADR of antituberculosis drugs, detect and deal with the ADR of anti-tuberculosis drugs in time, and reduce possibly the severity. consequence of the ADR of anti-tuberculosis drugs.
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    Evaluation and Analysis on 507 cases of Outpatients Prescription in Hospital
    ZHANG Xin-yi ,HAO Rui-dong, HAO Gang
    2010, 7(12): 755-757. 
    Abstract ( 171 )   PDF (621KB) ( 174 )  
    Objective To investigate the situation of drug usage in the outpatient prescription and give proposition so as to provide reference for the practice of prescription evaluation system. Methods 507 Outpatient prescriptions from July 16 to July 20 in 2010 in our hospital collected were evaluated, in accordance with "Hospital Prescription Requirement for Evaluation". Results Most outpatients in our hospital were chronic patients, accounting for 71.4% , and the mean age of outpatients was(57.03±17.52). The utilization of Injections and antibiotics was rational on the whole, and their application ratios were 27.4% and 25.4% . Prescriped drugs were mostly covered in "the national essential drugs" (98.2%), and with highly general name ratio(99.3% ). Irrational prescriptions involved in illegible handwriting (17.0%); prescription dosage over 7 days without re-sign and unspecified reasons (41.3%); drugs inappropriate indication (13.3%) and use of inappropriate dosage (17.7%). Conclusion In our hospital, the evaluation of prescription was in initial stage, and the analysis rational drug use need to deep. So pharmacists should learn continuous ly in order to promote drug safety, effective, economic, rational use and to protect medical safety.
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    The Analysis on Rare Advense Drug Reaction of Quetiapine
    SUN Yan -hui ,HUANG He -liang ,LV Ming -yu ,XU Zuo –guo
    2010, 7(12): 758-759. 
    Abstract ( 217 )   PDF (593KB) ( 836 )  
    Objective The purpose of this study was to explore the side -effect seldomly of Quetiapine. Methods Analysis the side-effect of Quetiapine that come frome four kinds journal of psychiatory in near eleven years Results The side-effect of Quetiapine was related to ten system that include twenty-three kinds diseases. The new side-effect was found that is nervous damage jaundice legs oedema, retention of urine complusine systeoms etc. Conclusion The side-effect of Quetiapine was more then other but it was may be cured. The Quetiapine is safety.
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    2010, 7(12): 760-760. 
    Abstract ( 193 )   PDF (540KB) ( 236 )  
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