

    08 November 2013, Volume 10 Issue 11 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Efficacy of Diclofenac Sodium Patch Combined with Glucosamine Sulfate in the Treatment of Primary Osteoarthritis
    LI Chun-hui, HUANG Hao, WU Hong-li, ZHAO Xiang, BIAN Wu
    2013, 10(11): 641-642. 
    Abstract ( 216 )   PDF (386KB) ( 229 )  
    Objective To assess the efficacy and adverse reaction of diclofenac sodium patch combined with glucosamine sulfate in the treatment of primary osteoarthritis(OA). Methods 96 patients with primary OA were divided into two groups. The treatment group received diclorenac sodium patch and glucosamine sulfate. The control group received diclofenac sodium sustained -release tablets.4 weeks later, assessed the efficacy and adverse reactions. Results There were significant differences between treatment group and control group in total clinical assessment and patient pain assessment. The total efficiency of treatment group was better than control group. There were less adverse reactions in treatment group than control group. Conclusion Patients with primary OA receiving diclofenac sodium patch combined with glucosamine sulfate would get better efficacy and less adverse reactions. This way is worth promoting in clinic.
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    Optimization for PCR System of ALDH2 Polymorphism Using Orthogonal Design
    WU Ke ,CAI Hong-min ,LIU Zhen ,ZHAO Guan-ren, FENG Duan-hao
    2013, 10(11): 643-646. 
    Abstract ( 209 )   PDF (438KB) ( 172 )  
    Objective To develop the most suitable PCR system for ALDH2. Methods The orthogonal design was used to optimize PCR reaction system for ALDH2 with five factors(Taq DNA polymerase, Mg2+, DNA template, dNTPs and primers) at four levels respectively. Results The most suitable PCR system for ALDH2 was established, namely 25 L reaction system containing 2.5 L Mg2+(25mM), 2.0 L dNTPs mix(2.5mM), 3.0 L primers(2.5mM), 3.0 L DNA (~30ng), 2.5 μL of 10×PCR buffer, 1.5U of Taq DNA polymerase. The optimal annealing temperature was 60 based on gradient PCR. Conclusion This universal system provideda standardizing program for the ALDH2 gene polymorphism.
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    Association of Genetic Polymorphisms of MTHFR and Methotrexate-related Adverse Reaction
    ZHOU Xin-ke, SHU Wen-ying ,LIANG Min ,HE Lu
    2013, 10(11): 647-649. 
    Abstract ( 261 )   PDF (422KB) ( 208 )  
    Objective To investigate the association between methylentetrahydrofolate (MTHFR) C677T and A298C genetic polymorphisms and the adverse reaction after high-dose methotrexate(MTX) chemotherapy in Chinese cancer patients. Methods Total 102 inpatients receiving high-dose MTX chemotherapy were recruited in which the 62 acute lymphoblastic leukemia ( ALL ) patients were treated with 24h -intravenous injection of MTX1~3g / 21d and the 40 osetosarcoma patients were treated with 24h -intravenous injection of MTX8~10g/21d. The genotype of MTHFR C667T and A298C was analyzed by real-time qPCR. The relation between genotypes and adverse reactions was analyzed. Results The frequency of MTHR 667TTwas significantly higher in ALL patients experienced adverse reaction than that in the ALL patients without adverse reaction(34.1% vs 11.1%, P=0.025). Conclusion MTHR C667T genetic polymorphism was associated with MTX-related adverse reaction.
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    Introduction and Enlightments of ICH E2C(R2) Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Reporting
    YUAN Li ,YANG Yue
    2013, 10(11): 650-654. 
    Abstract ( 415 )   PDF (520KB) ( 432 )  
    Due to the complexity of targeted population and environment, new safety and efficacy problems of post-marketing drugs may be found differrent from the Conclusion s of clinical trials, while the PBRER is an important pharmacovigilance tool. It can be a means of determining changes in the benefit-risk profile and an indicator for the need of risk management initiatives. This paper introduced the content of the new Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Reporting, aiming to understand the new concepts and principles of PBRER, and provide reference for related work in our country in the future.
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    Thoughts about Taking Reference of ISO/TS 19218-1 to Establish Medical Device Failure Terminology Database
    LI Sui ,WANG Gang, ZHONG Ling ,DONG Fang
    2013, 10(11): 655-657. 
    Abstract ( 257 )   PDF (546KB) ( 241 )  
    The terminology database of medical device failure has the vital significance to the device risk management. After more than 10 years of research and being revised by the ISO,ISO/TS 19218-1 has come out as a current international systematic standard of device malfunction terminology. This paper introduced the formulation background, revision history, structure, content of ISO/TS 19218-1, as well as comparisons with the fact of our country, aiming to provide useful reference to establish Chinese terminology database of medical device failure.
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    Application Status and Development Direction of Anticoagulant in Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
    ZHAO Ying-qi ,GAO Na ,YIN Kai
    2013, 10(11): 658-662. 
    Abstract ( 221 )   PDF (597KB) ( 439 )  
    Continuous renal replacement therapy(CRRT) technique is one of the important means of organ support in critical care medicine. Due to its treatment time is significantly longer than intermittent hemodialysi, the requirement for anticoagulation is even more. This paper reviews the current application status of commonly used anticoagulant in CRRT. At present, unfractionated heparin(UFH) remains one of the most commonly used anticoagulant method for domestic CRRT, but its adverse reactions should be paid attention, mainly including high incidence rate of bleeding, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia(HIT), heparin resistance, etc. Compared with heparin, the rate of low molecular weight heparins(LMWH) caused bleeding complications is lower, but the dose is difficult to control and the monitoring method is complex, which limits its wide use. Regional citrate anticoagulation(RCA) is one of the important and promising anticoagulant Methods for CRRT because it's easy to use, and has been testified to extend the life of the filter without systemic anticoagulation danger. In recent years, standardized solution of RCA and preflush formula become a hot spot in the field of citrate anticoagulation.
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    Clinical Risk of Proton Pump Inhibitors in Long-term Medication
    ZHANG Zeng-zhu ,LI Gang ,CHEN Ji-zhi ,XIONG Xian-bing, WANG Dan-hui
    2013, 10(11): 663-665. 
    Abstract ( 219 )   PDF (496KB) ( 288 )  
    Objective To understand the international research situations of the risk of proton pump inhibitors in long-term medication. Methods Using "proton pump inhibitors", "risk", "Meta" as key words to search CNKI, Pubmed database, and to collect and review the related literatures. Results and Conclusion The long -term use of proton pump inhibitors may cause a lot of risks, such as fracture, respiratory infection, spontaneous peritonitis, and clostridium difficile bacteria infection, ect. The proton pump inhibitors treatment should be combined with the comprehensive consideration, and try to avoid the clinical risks by proton pump inhibitors in long-term medication.
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    Literature Analysis of 40 Anaphylaxis Cases Induced by Gugua Extractives Injection
    WANG Zong-suo
    2013, 10(11): 666-669. 
    Abstract ( 264 )   PDF (668KB) ( 266 )  
    Objective Through analysing 40 anaphylaxis cases by Gugua extractives injection to explore the mechanism and characteristics, providea reference for clinical rational use of drugs. Methods By searching literature in Chinese Journal Full-text Database from 1994 to 2013, 29 anaphylaxis literatures of Gugua extractives injection involving 40 cases were statistically analyzed. Results In the 40 anaphylaxis cases by Gugua extractives injection, the incidence of men was more than women, and anaphylaxis often occurred in aged group. 40 anaphylaxis cases all occured in the medication process, the shortest time was 30s after administration and the longest time was 10d, and the most was found 30 minutes after administration. The major clinical manifestations of anaphylaxis involved many systems and organs, and were complexed and varied, and the cardiovascular system was the first, followed by skin and accessories damage, respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system,and oral system. All cases were found timely, made an immediately withdrawal and symptomatic treatment to get satisfactory outcome, and no death cases were reported. Conclusion The doctors and pharmacists should pay attention to the anaphylaxis caused by Gugua extractives injection, and understand the rules and characteristics,and the clinical care should be strengthened so as to prevent the occurrence of adverse reactions.
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    Analysis of Monitoring Reports of Adverse Reactions Induced by Amiodarone Injection at Our Hospital in 2011
    TAN Xiao-yan ,LI Yi-shi ,LIU Yu-qing, LOU Ying ,ZHANG Xiao-xing
    2013, 10(11): 670-672. 
    Abstract ( 232 )   PDF (591KB) ( 173 )  
    Objective To summarize and analyze the adverse reactions(ADR) induced by amiodarone injection from Jan. 2011 to Mar. 2012 at our hospital, and to guide the rational drug use. Methods A retrospective study was conducted on the use and medical records of amiodarone injection(n=396) from Jan. 2011 to Mar. 2012 at our hospital, the adverse reactions of abnormal hepatic function , hypotension and bradycardia needing intervention , Torsade de Pointes which were caused by amiodarone injection were counted and analyzed. Results The incidence of the abnormal hepatic function induced by amiodarone injection was 14.6%, the more total quantity of intravenous amiodarone in 24 hours, the more hepatotoxicity the patients got. There were8 patients with hypotension and 4 with severe bradycardia needing intervention, and there were 2 patients with Torsade de Pointes. Conclusion The incidence of adverse reactions of amiodarone injection is low and it's safe under intensive monitoring.
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    Literature Analysis of Curative Effect and Adverse Drug Reaction of Bacillary Dysentery Treated by Fosfomycin
    FAN Yan
    2013, 10(11): 673-675. 
    Abstract ( 198 )   PDF (570KB) ( 258 )  
    Objective To analyze the curative effect and adverse drug reaction of bacillary dysentery treated by fosfomycin. Methods Actual data related to bacillary dysentery treated by fosfomycin spanning years 1980~2012 were collected from the China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI). Datas should be analyzed through cure,effective, invalid and adverse drug reaction. Results Actual data originated from 32 publications encompassing 2911 cases including 2708 cases of cure, 179 cases of effective, 24 cases of invalid and 63 cases of adverse drug reaction. Conclusion There were obvious curative effect and low incidence rate of adverse drug reaction in bacillary dysentery treated by fosfomycin.
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    Analysis of 474 Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Cases Induced by Anticancer Drugs
    CHEN Hai-yun
    2013, 10(11): 676-678. 
    Abstract ( 237 )   PDF (682KB) ( 189 )  
    Objective To investigate and analyze the characteristics of the adverse drug reaction/event induced by anticancer drugs in Huaian so as to provide reference for the rational use of drugs. Methods 474 ADR/ADE cases induced by anticancer drugs in Huaian from January 2004 to December 2012 were analyzed retrospectively. Results The case reports showed that the middle aged and elderly people were the main part in the patients. Incidence rate of ADR/ADE induced by cisplatin, paclitaxel and oxaliplatin occupied the top three in the sequence, and drugs for intravenous administration resulted in the highest rate. Most ADR/ADE cases involved the blood system. Conclusion More attentions should be paid to ADR/ADE induced by anticancer drugs to ensure safe and rational drug use.
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    Analysis of 856 Adverse Event Reports Caused by Intrauterine Devices
    WANG Rui Wang Jun
    2013, 10(11): 679-682. 
    Abstract ( 201 )   PDF (568KB) ( 231 )  
    Objective To provide references for the use of IUD more safely and effectively and better carry out monitoring work of medical device by analyzing the reports of Intrauterine Device(IUD) adverse events. Methods 856 cases of IUD adverse events in Yunnan province in 2011 were collected and analyzed. Results Case reports mainly came from medical facilities that used IUD. 67.6% cases were reported in the fourth quarter of 2011. The top three of IUD adverse event reports were TCu, MCu and Yuangong, which involved 292 cases(34.1%),161 cases (18.8%) and 156 cases(18.2%) respectively. The case reports of IDU position and shape change, accidental pregnancy, menstrual problems were the top three adverse events, which involved 269 cases(31.5% ), 240 cases(28.0% ) and 207 cases(24.2%) respectively, among them, IDU downward involved 242 cases(28.3%), and pregnancy with IUD involved 238 cases (27.8%).Conclusion We should enhance awareness, carry out monitoring work actively, and improve the quantity and quality of IUD adverse event reports. In order to prevent and reduce the IUD adverse events, the professional skills and proficiency level of the operators also need to be improved.
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    Literature Analysis of Adverse Drug Reaction Induced by Proton Pump Inhibitors
    WANG An-qi
    2013, 10(11): 683-686. 
    Abstract ( 237 )   PDF (691KB) ( 584 )  
    Objective To summarize the regularity and characteristics of adverse drug reaction(ADR) induced by proton pump inhibitors, and provide reference for the rational use of drugs in clinic. Methods Related literatures of ADR induced by proton pump inhibitors were collected from CHKD full-text database during 2008~2012, then the included literatures were statistically analyzed. Results A total of 30 literatures relating to ADR induced by proton pump inhibitors were collected, including 34 cases. This group of ADR induced by proton pump inhibitors involved multiple system -organs , the clinical signs were complex and varied, and symptoms of adverse drug reactions were relatively serious, and rare in clinic, but prognosis was good after stopping drug treatment. Conclusion We should strengthen the understanding of these types of adverse drug reactions, pay attention to the prevention and improve the rational use of proton pump inhibitors.
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    Literature Analysis of 18 Cases of Adverse Reactions Induced by Chloral Hydrate
    CAO Yu ,XING Ying, ZHENG Ce
    2013, 10(11): 687-689. 
    Abstract ( 237 )   PDF (606KB) ( 356 )  
    Objective To investigate the general pattern and characteristics of the adverse drug reactions(ADR) induced by chloral hydrate, and provide a reference for the clinical rational use of drugs. Methods By searching literature in Chinese journal full-text database from 1994 to 2012, 14 ADR literatures of chloral hydrate involving 18 cases were collected. The type of adverse reactions, the main clinical manifestations and the influencing factors were analyzed statistically. Results The ADR induced by chloral hydrate could occur in more than ten seconds after administration, could also occur in more than ten days after administration. The majority of adverse reactions occurred within 20 minutes. Adverse reactions could involve multiple systems, and the clinical manifestations were complicated and diversified. The incidence of allergic reaction was the highest, and serious cases can lead to shock and death. Conclusion Clinical physicians and pharmacists should be alert to the ADR induced by chloral hydrate and they should stick to the principle of rational drug use.
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    Research of Standardizing Uses of Antibiotics at Perioperative Period in Orthopedics Department by Using PDCA Cycle
    ZHANG Shi –yang, CHENG Jun ,YE Yun ,ZHANG Shi -yong
    2013, 10(11): 690-692. 
    Abstract ( 267 )   PDF (723KB) ( 112 )  
    Objective To investigate rational use of antibiotics at perioperative period in orthopedics department and evaluate the effect of the plan , do , check and action ( PDCA ) cycle management. Methods According to PDCA procedure,materials were collected and analyzed, and measures were made out on promotion followed by supervising the practice for furhter improvement. The data of medication of type I and II incision operation were collected and compared from January to July in 2011 (before the implementation of PDCA method) and from January to July in 2012 ( after the implementation of PDCA method). Results After implementatcion of PDCA method , application rate of antibiotics decreased from 100% to 68% and the average cost of antibiotics declined from1 107.6 yuan to 348.3 yuan.The rational application of antibiotics was significantly improved. Conclusion The implementation of PDCA method is feasible and effective, which can improve the rational application of antibiotics at perioperative period in orthopedics department.
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    Discussion on Inner Error Analysis of Outpatient Prescriptions Dispensing and Preventive Measures
    SHEN Yun-yu
    2013, 10(11): 693-695. 
    Abstract ( 288 )   PDF (637KB) ( 147 )  
    Objective To explore preventive measures and improve the quality of drug dispensing by statistical analysis of internal outpatient pharmacy dispensing errors. Methods The dispensing errors in outpatient pharmacy in our hospital from May to June 2012 were statistically analyzed. Results Among 81 533 pieces of prescription dispensing, there were 162 pieces of error dispensing(0.20%), including the variety errors, inaccurate quantity, specification errors and omission errors. 79 cases were attributed to variety errors, accounting for 48.77% . Errors occurred frequently at 10: 00 ~12:00 a.m. Conclusion The pharmacy management should be strengthened. The system should be improved. The pharmacy personnel should improve their senses of responsibilities and professional qualities to reduce dispensing errors so as to ensure the safety and utility in clinical medication
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    Pharmaceutical Care for One Case of Severe Adverse Reaction Induced by Irinotecan Combined with Chemotherapy
    SHEN Zheng-lin ,YUAN Ming-qing
    2013, 10(11): 696-697. 
    Abstract ( 269 )   PDF (559KB) ( 341 )  
    Objective To explore and develop the method of pharmaceutical care for adverse drug reaction induced by chemotherapeutics. Methods Clinical pharmacists participated in the treatment of the severe adverse reaction induced by irinotecan combined with chemotherapy of 1 case of rectal cancer, and provided pharmaceutical intervention and pharmaceutical care for the patient. Results With symptomatic treatment and etiological treatment, the patient safely passed the period of chemotherapy. Conclusion Clinical pharmacists should strengthen pharmaceutical care, improving the safety and efficacy of drug treatment.
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