

    08 February 2015, Volume 12 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Experimental Study on the Long-term Toxicity of Isosorbide Mononitrate and Ivabradine Hydrochloride Compound in Beagle Dogs
    HU Xiao-le,LI Hui-en,LI Bin,WANG En-li,FENG Zhong,ZHAO Tao*
    2015, 12(2): 65-68. 
    Abstract ( 273 )   PDF (298KB) ( 156 )  
    Objective To observe the toxicity of isosorbide mononitrate and ivabradine hydrochloride compound(ISMN-I) in beagle dogs, and to provide safety evidences for clinical experiment. Methods 32 healthy beagle dogs, half male and half female, were randomly disvided into control, low-, mid-, and high-dose (30, 75, and 180 mg·kg-1) groups, 8 dogs in each group. The beagle dogs were administered for 30 days, and observed for 14 days after the last administration. During the experiment, the general conditions of animals were observed daily. Body weight and food consumption were weighed weekly. The related indexes including ophthalmology, body temperature, urinary routine, blood pressure, electrocardiogram, hematological and blood biochemical indexes were detected at different time points such as before administration, the end of administration and the end of recovery period, then the dogs were dissected and histopathologic examination was carried out. Results Compared with control group, the blood pressure of DBP in high-dose group and mid-dose group declined obviously at the end of administration. Dogs in high-dose group and mid-dose group vomited, shaked, convulsed obviously during the administration, individual dogs in low-dose group vomited occasionally. Conclusion In this study, the no observed adverse effect level(NOAEL) is 30 mg·kg-1 in beagle dogs for 30 days by oral administration.
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    Effect of P-glycoproteinon on the Permeability of Squamosamide Derivative FLZ across Caco-2 monolayer Model
    LIU Qian,CHEN Xiao-guang,HOU Jin-feng,ZHANG Jin-lan,CHEN Hui,ZHANG Dan,BAO Xiu-qi,UN Hua
    2015, 12(2): 69-72. 
    Abstract ( 296 )   PDF (471KB) ( 391 )  
    Objective To study the effect of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) on the transport characteristics of squamosamide derivative FLZ across in vitro blood-brain barrier (BBB) model. Methods A human intestinal epithelial cell Caco-2 in vitro BBB model was applied to study the transport characteristics of 1, 5, 10 μM FLZ.The effects of P-gp inhibitor zosuquidar on the in vitro permeability and efflux ratio of FLZ were also investigated. Results The transport of various concentrations of FLZ (1, 5, 10 μM) through the Caco-2 model occurred in both A~B and B~A directions, and Papp B~A transport were significantly higher than those for A~B transport at each FLZ concentration. The efflux ratio of 1, 5, 10 μM FLZ was 2.56, 3.67 and 5.06, respectively, suggesting the presence of efflux pumps to remove FLZ from within cell membranes. Upon specific blocking of P-gp using zosuquidar increased intracellular accumulation of FLZ in Caco-2 model and significantly reduced the efflux ratio from 5.06 to 1.94. Conclusion FLZ is a substrate for the P-gp drug efflux transporter, and poor brain penetration of FLZ is mainly due to the P-gp transport system in the BBB.
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    Effect of Rivaroxaban and Low Molecular Heparin to Prevent Deep Venous Thrombosis in the Abdomen after Radical Resection of Tumor
    ZHOU Hui-ping,LI Zhi-quan,CHEN Xiao-yan,CHEN Yong-chun
    2015, 12(2): 73-75. 
    Abstract ( 281 )   PDF (360KB) ( 248 )  
    Objective To Compare the effect of rivaroxaban and low molecular heparin to prevent deep venous thrombosis in the abdomen after radical resection of tumor. Methods The cases of abdominal tumor resection were randomly divided into test group of 48 cases and control group of 47 cases. The test group started to take rivaroxaban 10 mg orally in 24 hours after operation, once per day for 2 weeks. The control group of patients with low molecular heparin, began to take regular doses of subcutaneous injection of 0.3 mL in 24 hours after the operation, for 10 consecutive days. The indexes of activated partial thromboplastin (APTT), prothrombin time (PT), fibrinogen (Fbg), platelet (Plt) were evaluated before operation and on the 14th day after operation. D-two dimer content of venous blood was measured before operation and on the 1st, 3th, 7th, and 14th day after operation. And drainage volumes 2 days after operation were observed. Results Two cases had DVT in test group patients with the occurrence rate of 4.17%. One case had DVT in control group patients with the occurrence rate of 2.13%, no statistically significant differences was found between the two groups(P >0.05). Two groups of patients with APTT, PT, Fbg, Plt, D-two dimer content had no statistically significant differences before and after operation(P >0.05). Conclusion Both rivaroxaban and low molecular heparin have satisfying anticoagulation for patients after radical resection of abdominal tumor.
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    Study on Acute Toxicity of Water Extract of Sophorae Tonkinensis Radix et Rhizome on Throat Excess-heat Syndrome Mice
    ZHAO Qing-hua,XIE Yuan-zhang,LI Su-jun,YANG Qian,SUN Rong
    2015, 12(2): 76-78. 
    Abstract ( 250 )   PDF (516KB) ( 235 )  
    Objective The acute toxicity of water extract of Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizome on mice was researched to determine the correlation of "toxicity-syndrome". Methods The sample water extract of Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizome was administrated to KM mice of the throat excess- heat syndrome models. The LD50 of Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizome was tested by the classical Methods of acute toxicity. The acute toxic symptoms were observed, the accumulated death number and the weight-changes of live mice were recorded. Results The LD50 and its 95% confidence limits of water extract of Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizome was 20.63(17.94~23.92)g·kg-1 in mice. Restlessness, breathlessness and convulsion were the main acute toxic symptoms. Conclusion The acute toxicity of water extract of Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizome on throat excess-heat syndrome mouse model in mice was significantly less than normal animals. The onset time of toxic symptoms was delayed and relieved, the LD50 value was increased.
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    Study on Anti-inflammatory Efficacy Accompanied by Toxicity and Side Effects of Water Extraction Components of Sophorae Tonkinensis Radix et Rhizoma on Throat Excess-heat Syndrome Mice
    YIN Li-shun,LV Li-li,DOU Li-wen,LI Xiao-yu,SUN Rong
    2015, 12(2): 79-81. 
    Abstract ( 278 )   PDF (554KB) ( 196 )  
    Objective To srudy the toxicity and side effects accompanied with anti-inflammation of water extraction components of Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizoma on throat excess-heat syndrome model in mice, provide experimental basis of "efficacy-syndrome-toxicity" relevancy. Methods The method of throat excess-heat syndrome model in mice was built, which were administrated with different doses water extraction components of Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizoma, observing anti-inflammation and toxicity by the croton oil inducing ear swelling method. detecting the level of ALT, AST, BUN, Cr in serum and calculating the ratio of liver and kidney to body, to evaluate its efficacy with side effects. Results Water extraction components of Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizoma had strong inhibitory effect on the croton oil inducing ear swelling in throat excess-heat syndrome mice after multiple administration. ALT and AST levels in serum were obviously enhanced after 3 d administration, liver weight/body ratio enhanced. Conclusion The effective dose of water extraction components of Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizoma had obvious anti-inflammatory effect, and at the same time, accompanied by side effects and hepatotoxicity. Compared with normal animals, anti-inflammatory effect is stronger and hepatotoxicity is weaker, whose toxicity mechanism still needs further research under the background of syndrome.
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    Study on Mechanisms of Anti-inflammatory Efficacy Accompanied by Toxicity and Side Effects of Water Extraction Components of Sophorae Tonkinensis Radix et Rhizoma on Throat Excess-heat Syndrome Mice
    LI Xiao-yu,SUN Rong
    2015, 12(2): 82-85. 
    Abstract ( 296 )   PDF (509KB) ( 132 )  
    Objective To preliminarily study he mechanisms of anti-inflammatory efficacy and accompanied toxicity and side effects of water extraction components of Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizoma on throat excess-heat syndrome model in mice, discuss the relationship of "efficacy-syndrome-toxicity", provide experimental basis for reasonable application of Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizoma under the background of syndrome. Methods The method of throat excess-heat syndrome model in mice was built, which were administrated with different doses of water extraction components of Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizoma, detecting the level of PGE2, MDA, SOD, NO, NOS, GSH and GSH-Px in serum. Results Water extraction components of Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizoma had strong inhibitory effect on the croton oil inducing ear swelling in throat excess-heat syndrome mice after multiple administration. The level of PGE2 in serum obviously decreased after 3 d administration. The activity of MDA enhanced and SOD decreased. The levels of NO and NOS enhanced. The activity of GSH and GSH-Px decreased. All the changes were aggravated in accordance with the dosages, showing a certain dose-dependence relationship. Conclusion The anti-inflammation mechanism of water extraction components of Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizoma was mainly related with the reduction of the content of PGE2, and the level of SOD, MDA and NO in serum. The approach of accompanied hepatotoxioity damage was related with the oxidative damage. Whether there are other mechanisms, it remains to be further researched.
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    Optimization of Formula for Prulifloxacin Dispersible Tablets
    TANG Hong-juan,CHENG Da-wei
    2015, 12(2): 86-88. 
    Abstract ( 282 )   PDF (410KB) ( 145 )  
    Objective To optimize formula of prulifloxacin dispersible tablets. Methods Tablet weight variation, disintegrate time and dissolution rate were used as the quality index, excipients were progressively adjusted to form optimizational formula for prulifloxacin dispersible tablets. Results MCC as an excipient, PVP as an adhesive, L-HPC as a disintegrant and talc powder as a lubricant of the dispersible tablet formula. The dissolution rate of the dispersible tablet was faster than that of the conventional tablet. Conclusion The prepared prulifloxacin indispersible tablet is reasonable in formula, feasible in scale up to production and it meets the quality standards.
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    QPPV and Its Implication for China's Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Work
    PENG Li-li,SHEN Lu,DONG Duo,LIU Wei,ZHANG Hua,GUO Xue,LI Xing-ling,CHENG Gang
    2015, 12(2): 89-91. 
    Abstract ( 589 )   PDF (499KB) ( 472 )  
    Objective To provide suggestions for china to setup and improve the Contact Person of ADR through the brief introduction of Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV). Methods Based on literature review, the QPPV of EU and Australia was investigated and analyzed. Results QPPV has been set up in EU and Australia, it can provide valuable practical experience for our country to establish the Contact Person of ADR. Conclusion Combing with the feature of drug safety supervision in our country and using for reference of the international experience, we should establish and complete our country's Contact Person of ADR in order to improve the level of adverse drug reaction monitoring.
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    Main Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis on Comprehensive Quality of Adverse Drug Reaction Reports
    XU Jin,LI Xin-ling,ZHOU Juan
    2015, 12(2): 92-95. 
    Abstract ( 350 )   PDF (611KB) ( 319 )  
    Objective To discuss the thought and method about the establishment of qualifying ADR reports from the ADR units. Methods By the main component analysis and cluster analysis to simplify data, the key index was selected to assess the quality of ADR reports provided by National Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring System of Jiangxi Province in 2013. Results The ADR reports of D group from Ji'an city was with the highest quality in all four groups divided by cluster analysis. Conclusion The main component analysis and cluster analysis can be used to qualify the ADR reports from each city by compositive score.
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    Research Progress in Anti-tumor Effect of Polysaccharides
    QIAN Zhen,JIANG Guo-rong*
    2015, 12(2): 96-98. 
    Abstract ( 417 )   PDF (609KB) ( 577 )  
    Polysaccharides, widely exist in the higher plants, fungi, algae, bacteria and cell membranes of animal, is one of the four basic substance of life. In recent years, numerous studies have showed that polysaccharides have immuno-regulation and anti-tumor effect. Polysaccharides are used on the adjuvant treatment of cancer, since it can directly kill tumor cells, activate immune receptors and improve immune function. This paper aims to review the study on anti-tumor of polysaccharides.
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    Literature Analysis of 111 Cases of Adverse Drug Reactions Induced by Sophora Tonkinensis and Related Preparations
    ZHANG Han-ling HUA Bi-chun
    2015, 12(2): 99-101. 
    Abstract ( 312 )   PDF (567KB) ( 212 )  
    Objective To investigate relevant factors of the adverse drug reaction(ADR) induced by Sophora Tonkinensis and related preparations, and provide the scientific reference for the safe and rational use in clinic. Methods With retrospective case study, 111 cases of ADR induced by Sophora Tonkinensis and related preparations were analyzed, which were collected from medical journal database and traditional Chinese medicine database. Results Adverse reaction will occur when orally taken daily dose more than 5 g or intramuscularly injected 4 mL. The damage to digestive and nervous system was the most common, which accounted for 32.21% and 31.46% of total adverse reactions respectively. Conclusion Sophora Tonkinensis as a common traditional Chinese medicine is used for clinical treatment of sore throat and physicians/pharmacists should control the dosage strictly to avoid or reduce the incidence of ADR.
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    Analysis of the Irrational Factors of Parenteral Nutrition Prescriptions
    WANG Rui,ZHOU Wei,ZHANG Si-xi,SONG Yan-qing
    2015, 12(2): 102-105. 
    Abstract ( 301 )   PDF (608KB) ( 587 )  
    Objective To avoid medication risk and ensure the safety and effectiveness of parenteral nutrition treatment, through checking the total parenteral nutrition prescriptions and intervening unreasonable prescriptions of surgical department. Methods At PIVAS (pharmacy intravenous admixture service), pharmacists audited parenteral nutrition prescriptions of 24 surgical departments from January to June 2014 and recorded the unreasonable prescriptions to classify and analyze. Results Based on the analysis of 4 012 unreasonable parenteral nutrition prescriptions in our hospital, the irrational factors involved in deficiency or excess of nutritional components, overproof electrolyte ion concentration, inappropriate use of special nutritional supplements, unreasonable glycolipid proportion, repeated use of nutritional components, and etc. Conclusion The audit and intervention on parenteral nutrition prescriptions by the pharmacists were critical to ensure the safe,effective and economical nutritional treatment.
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    Cause Analysis and Its Countermeasures of 345 Medication Errors
    CHEN Ning,WANG Ting,MA Li
    2015, 12(2): 106-109. 
    Abstract ( 548 )   PDF (579KB) ( 503 )  
    Objective To analyze the reasons and characteristics of medication errors(ME) occurrence in our hospital,discuss how to reduce the incidence of ME. Methods 345 cases of ME in our hospital from January 2013 to June 2014 were retrospectively analyzed by the root cause analysis (RCA). Results Proportion of ME category A, B, C, and D was respectively 20.9%,76.2%,2.6% and 0.3%. ME of category E、F、G、H and I have not been reported. The proportion of drug variety error was the highest, accounting for 35.1% followed by dosage error, indication error and solvent error. The top factor to trigger ME was similar drug name, which reached 24.9%. In terms of the persons that triggered ME, the proportion of doctors, pharmacists, nurses and patients or families was respectively 53.6%, 35.1%, 1.4% and 0.3%. 96.2% of ME were detected by pharmacists, 61.5% of ME occured in the outpatient pharmacy and consulting room. Conclusion It is advisable to update facilities, standardize drug placing, optimize work norms and procedures, strengthen the drug safety education and training, construct non-punitive safe drug use culture, allocate pharmacists manpower reasonably, pay attention to environment and equipment safety so as to continuously reduce the occurrence of ME.
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    Influences of Sustained Intervention on Clinical Effects of Preventive Antibiotics for TypeⅠIncision in Our Hospital
    YANG Zhi,HE Li-mei,PENG Cui-ying,HE Zhou-kang
    2015, 12(2): 110-113. 
    Abstract ( 313 )   PDF (649KB) ( 227 )  
    Objective To investigate the clinical effects of comprehensive intervention measures on rational preventive utilization of antibiotics for type I surgical incision after a special improving campaigns. Methods Medical records of type I surgical incisions from 2010 to 2013 in our hospital were randomly selected. A before and after comparison was performed on the data including utilization rate of antibiotics on type I incision, drug selection, drug combination, drug administration time before surgery and duration time after surgery. Results After the sustained intervention, rational preventive utilization of antibiotics for type I surgical incision was improved significantly. Antimicrobial utilization rate and combination utilization decreased from 100% and 34.44% before the intervention to 49.44% and 2.25% respectively. The irrational rate of drug administration time before operation and duration time after operation decreased from 32.22% and 85% to 2.22 % respectively. The selection spectrum of main antibiotics diverted from β-lactam containing enzyme inhibitors and third-generation cephalosporins before intervention to second-generation cephalosporins after intervention. Conclusion The utilization of preventive antibiotics for type I surgical incision in our hospital is rationalized, and the intervention measures are effective and feasible. But the preventive utilization rate is still high. The further measures on the supervision should be adopted to promote the rational utilization of perioperative antimicrobial drugs.
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    Pareto Diagram Analysis on Initial Registration and Follow-up of Contraceptives
    CHEN Ying,ZHU Xiang-jun,ZHOU Jian,BA Lei,YAO Jie,SUN Zhi-ming,LI Ying
    2015, 12(2): 114-116. 
    Abstract ( 254 )   PDF (706KB) ( 230 )  
    Objective To analyze the situation of the first-diagnosed registration and follow-up for contraceptives. Methods The Pareto diagram analysis was used to make the classification of the problems in the first-diagnosed registration and follow-up for contraceptives. Results The examinations are incomplete in initial registration and follow-up, which is the primary problem. The other problems are that special women do not have intensive follow-up services, medication does not meet the specification requirements and women are dispensed too many contraceptives once. Neither of high-risk women do cervical cytology screening before treatment, 20% of which have no intensive follow-up. 83.33% of the follow-up don't have complete examinations. Conclusion The first-diagnosed initial registration and follow-up system should be implemented, in order to improve the safety and effectiveness of contraceptives.
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    Pharmaceutical Care for a Patient with Severe Pulmonary Infection by Clinical Pharmacist
    LIU Xian-jun
    2015, 12(2): 117-119. 
    Abstract ( 330 )   PDF (568KB) ( 187 )  
    Objective To explore the Methods and significance of providing pharmaceutical care for patients with severe pulmonary infection by clinical pharmacist. Methods By participating in drug therapy for a case of severe pulmonary infection, clinical pharmacist provided pharmaceutical care such as selection of antimicrobial agents, optimization of individualizing dosage regimens, prevention of adverse drug reaction for patients. Results The clinical symptoms were relieved and disappeared gradually after anti-infection treatment. The body temperature returned to normal. Routine blood test showed normal white blood cell count and ratio of neutrophile granulocyte. Conclusion Clinical pharmacist can help the physicians to make effective and reasonable dosage regime as well as providing pharmaceutical service for patients with severe pulmonary infection with his professional knowledge.
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