

    08 January 2013, Volume 10 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Preliminary Study on Nephrocytes Toxicity Induced by Four Traditional Chinese Medicine Monomers in Evodia Rutaecarpa
    ZHOU Qian Jin ,Ruo -min ,YAO Guang –tao
    2013, 10(1): 1-4. 
    Abstract ( 325 )   PDF (403KB) ( 154 )  
    Objective To test the toxic effects of evodiamine, rutaecarpine, evodin and synephrine on human embryonic kidney 293 cells(HEK293). Methods MTT assay was used to test the cell viability of evodiamine, rutaecarpine, evodin and synephrine on nephrocytes. The contents of LDH in nephrocytes supernatant were detected.After given the four monomers, morphological changes of nephrocytes were observed by inverted phase contrast microscope. Results The MTT assay showed that 8.3~33.2μgmL-1 evodiamine,5<40μgmL-1 evodin mL-1 rutaecarpine and 50~200gcould inhibit HEK-293 cells viability obviously( P<0.01 or P<0.05), while synephrine had no inhibition on HEK-293 cells viability. 8.3~33.2gμ·gmL-1 evodin could increase mL-1 evodiamine,5~20gmL-1 rutaecarpine and 50~200gμthe contents of LDH in nephrocytes supernatant( P<0.01 or P<0.05), while synephrine couldn't. Cell morphology showed that evodiamine, evodin could damage the shapes of nephrocytes and cells mortality raised as the increase of their concentration. On the other side, evodiamine and synephrine had no influence. Conclusion Evodiamine, rutaecarpine and evodin may cause nephrocytes toxicity while synephrine could not.
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    Study on the Physicochemical Properties and the Intestinal Absorption Kinetics of Norcantharidin in Rats
    ZHOU Ying, CHENG Xu -dong, WANG Yu -ting, LIU Yang
    2012, 9(1): 5-7. 
    Abstract ( 248 )   PDF (357KB) ( 152 )  
    Objective To investigate physicochemical properties and the absorption kinetics of norcantharidin(NCTD) at different intestine segments in rats. Methods The dissolubility and n-octyl alcohol/water partition coefficient were determined. The intestine in rats was cannudated for in situ recirculation, UV and HPLC were respectively used to determine the concentrations of UV spectrums of phenol red and NCTD. The absorption of NCTD was studied at different intestine segments, and with different concentration of NCTD. Results The absorption rate constants (Ka) at duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and colon were 0.1623, 0.1260, 0.0084, 0.0035h -1 respectively. Ka from intestine at NCTD concentration of 70, 80, 90μg·mL-1 were 0.0112, 0.0056, 0.0071h-1 respectively. Conclusion The concentration of NCTD had no distinctive effect on the absorption kinetics. The absorption of NCTD was a first -order process with passive diffusion mechanism, which indicated that NCTD could be prepared as sustained -release dosage form for administration once a day.
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    Study on the "Dose-efficacy" Relationship of Anti-tumor Induced by Effective Component from Shenetang
    XIE Yuan-zhang ,SUN Rong ,ZHANG Ya-nan, LI Xiao-yu, JI Yu-bin
    2013, 10(1): 8-11. 
    Abstract ( 192 )   PDF (589KB) ( 124 )  
    Objective To explore anti -tumor effect of effective components from shenetang , so as to provide experimental basis for the development of new drugs. Methods H22 tumor model in mice was built. Mice implanted withH22 were treated with effective components from shenetang for 7d, then the tumor tissues, thymus glands and spleens were weighed. The tumor inhibitory rates, immune organ index and carbon granule clearance index were calculated to investigate the anti -tumor and immune regulatory effect of effective components from shenetang in mice implanted with tumor cells. Results Effective components from shenetang showed more potent anti-tumor effect within the dose range in 8.31~70.72g·kg-1, it could raise the decreased immune organ index and carbon granule clearance index. Conclusion Effective components from shenetang in 8.31~34.65g·kg-1 dose range shows a certain "dose-efficacy" relationship of anti-tumor activity. The optimal dose of anti-tumor effect is 34.65g·kg-1 and the minimum effective dose is 8.31g·kg-1. With the dose increasing, ina certain dose range, the inhibition enhanced, it shows dose dependency. When it achieves maximum effect, the anti-tumor effect no longer increases. The effective component can improve immune function to inhibit tumor.
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    Study on the Anti-tumor Activity of Different Components from Shenetang
    LV Li-li ,XIE Yuan-zhang ,ZHANG Ya-nan ,ZHU Lan-lan ,JI Yu-bin ,SUN Rong
    2013, 10(1): 12-15. 
    Abstract ( 189 )   PDF (453KB) ( 87 )  
    Objective To explore anti-tumor effect of five different extraction process from shenetang in vivo, so as to provide foundation to optimize the extraction process of the prescription. Methods The chemical composition and pharmacological activity of the various ingredients in the compound were summed up to determinate the extraction methods, the contents of material basis in different of extracts were detected.H22 tumor model in mice were built. Mice implanted withH22 were treated with five different extraction processes from shenetang for 7d, and then the tumor tissues, thymus glands and spleens were weighed. The tumor inhibitory rates, immune organ index were calculated to investigate the anti -tumor and immune regulatory effect of different extraction components from shenetang in mice implanted with tumor cells. Results The five different extraction components showed potent antitumor effect, it could raise the decreased immune organ index, in which group four shows better anti-tumor activity.Conclusion The effective components from shenetang have anti-tumor effect, group four with more anti-tumoractivity, which has good anti-tumor application prospects.
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    Research Progress on Material Basis of Chinese Herbal Compound Shenetang for Anti-tumor Effect
    SUN Rong ,XIE Yuan-zhang
    2013, 10(1): 16-18. 
    Abstract ( 219 )   PDF (334KB) ( 215 )  
    Objective The research of the material basis of Chinese herbal compound shen'e soup for anti -tumor effect was reviewed, in order to explore the antitumor mechanism, to provide literature basis and research ideas for further study of anti -tumor effect. Methods The literatures on material basis of Chinese herbal compound shen'e soup for anti-tumor effect were summarized and analyzed in the past twenty years. Results Its anticancer treatment of material basis from shen'e soupl mainly perish through the induction of tumor cell, suppress the production of tumor blood vessel, stability of the end grain and the end grain of enzyme, suppress the expression of cancer gene, to promote the expression of damping the cancer gene and so on. There are many links to suppress the occurrence, development and the shift of the tumor, moreover in the formula many traditional Chinese medicines may simultaneously affect many links above. Conclusion At present it had already become the world's research hot spot to sought for the new an ti -tumor medicine from the natural medicine, that the cell and molecular level research target widespread applica tion in the experiment, provide a more reliable basis in treating the gastric cancer for the traditional Chinese medicine.
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    High Throughput and Rapid Screening for Illegally Added Chemicals in Chinese Patent Medicines and Health Products by LC-MS/MS
    MA Ping, LI Peng-fei ,CAO Miao, DING Chun-lei ,WANG Yan, LIU Li-hong
    2013, 10(1): 19-21. 
    Abstract ( 246 )   PDF (479KB) ( 404 )  
    Objective To establish a high throughput and rapid screening method for illegally added chemicals in Chinese patent medicine and health products by LC -MS/MS. Methods The sample was separated on ZORBAX XDB-C18 column and the mobile phase was acetonitrile consisted of 1mM ammonium acetate(0.1% formic acid). Through an information-dependent acquisition(IDA) mode of mass spectrometry in ESI+, illegally added chemicals in Chinese patent medicines and health products could be automatically searched by spectra library. Results Illegally added chemicals such as hypoglycemic drugs, sedative-hypnotic drug, antipyretic analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, antiepileptic drugs could be detected in 18 min through quick screening. Conclusion The method we found was simple, rapid, high throughput and precise for the qualitative analysis of illegally added chemicals in Chinese patent medicines and health products.
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    Determination of Histamine in Raw Thymus by Pre-column Derive
    XU Xue-ping ,LI Lin ,DING Li-fang, ZHANG Xiao-min ,WU Jian-zhong, WANG Ya-peng ,WANG Xiao-gong
    2012, 9(1): 22-24. 
    Abstract ( 170 )   PDF (428KB) ( 189 )  
    Objective To build a scientific and reasonable way to detect the content of histamine in thymus, in order to control the quality of raw thymus ultimately. Methods We used dansyl chloride pre -column derive, HPLC -UV method, C18 (4.6mm×250mm,5μm) chromatographic column acetonitrile -water asa mobile phase, the flow rate 1.0mL·min -1, wavelength 254nm while the gradient elution method was used to detect histamine. Results In the range of 1.0~50μg·mL-1, the histamine concentration is linear correlation to the peak area, with the correlation coefficient 0.9979. Sample loading recovery is between 85% and 110% , with RSD%约10%. Conclusion Using this way to detect the histamine content in thymus is simple, quick, accurate, sensitive, and easy to repeat. This method can be used as quality control of raw.
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    The Research of Operating Conditions of FDA Sentinel Initiative and Enlightenment
    BIAN Lei ,ZHAO Pin, YANG Yue
    2013, 10(1): 25-29. 
    Abstract ( 286 )   PDF (539KB) ( 134 )  
    Objective To introduce FDA sentinel initiative operation action to provide a reference for our medical product safety monitoring. Methods By analyzing the background, characteristics of sentinel initiative, the organizational framework, the specific operation, and safety assessment process of Mini-sentinel which is a pilot of sentinel initiative, put forwarda security monitoring method suited to our national conditions. Results & Conclusion Based on passive monitoring of existing medical products, actively carry out an active surveillance. Through a combination of medicare data systems and electronic medical records system, integrate existing electronic data resources for query and analysis of the safety monitoring data, at the same time develop new data management Methods to improve the data processing and analysis capabilities.
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    The Working Mode of Signal Detection in UMC and Its Revelation
    HOU Yong-fang, WU Gui-zhi, DU Xiao-xi
    2013, 10(1): 30-32. 
    Abstract ( 315 )   PDF (533KB) ( 591 )  
    The working mode of signal detection in UMC was introduced, which include Methods and tools for signal detection, implementation of the Methods in signal detection system, triagealgorithm for signal selection and working flow for signal review. The working mode of signal detection in China was also discussed according to the current situation of signal detection carrying out in China. We hope this article can provide reference for understanding and applying this mode on signal detection for staff working in ADR monitoring.
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    Masking Effect in the Process of Signal Detection of Adverse Drug Reaction
    YE Xiao-fei, CHENG Gang, GUO Xiao-jing, XU Jin-fang, HE Jia
    2013, 10(1): 33-35. 
    Abstract ( 339 )   PDF (510KB) ( 344 )  
    Routine adverse drug reaction signal detection Methods based on disproportionality analysis are playing important role in the process of adverse drug reaction surveillance. However, these Methods have their own drawbacks in the accuracy for signal detection and could not solve some problems which include masking effect. These problems should be solved through new analysis strategy. In this article, we present the impact of masking effect on the signal detection and introduce the latest research on the identification and elimination of masking effect.
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    Research Development on Chemical Compositions of Asarum Based on Efficacy and Toxicity
    WANG Yi ,HUANG Wei, SUN Rong
    2013, 10(1): 36-38. 
    Abstract ( 204 )   PDF (520KB) ( 511 )  
    Objective By combing pertinent literature and summarizing the current states of chemical compositions of Asarum related with its efficacy and toxicity, identify its effective and toxic composition, and offer the accordance and research ideas for further research on the relationship among efficacy, toxicity and chemical composition of Asarum . Methods The related references in recent 30 years both at home and abroad about Asarum were analyzed, collated and summarized. Results Volatile oil、non -volatile oil and the aristolochinc acid compounds are the main chemical compositions of . Methyl eugenol from volatile oil is the main effective material basis and aristolochic acid I is the main toxic material basis. Conclusion The research on the chemical composition of Asarum should be laied stress on the connection with efficacy and toxicity, and the similarities and differences between the effective material basis and the toxical material basis should be paid attention to, so as to analyze the effective essence differences based on material basis. In addition, we should lay emphasis on the effective and toxic material basis on the background of syndrome by combining "treatment based on syndrome differentiation" and "treatment treatment based on disease differentiation" in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
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    Analysis of 114 Cases of ADR Induced by PPI
    LIANG Mao –ben, MENG Xiang –mei
    2013, 10(1): 39-41. 
    Abstract ( 250 )   PDF (578KB) ( 273 )  
    Objective To explore the features and contributing factors of adverse drug reaction(ADR) induced by proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and provide rational use of drugs in clinic. Methods A statistical analysis was conducted on 114 cases of ADR publicly reported during the year from January 2001 to December 2011 via the use of VIP Medical Information System(VMIS), Wanfang Medical Information System, and Chinese Hospital Digital Database. Results Of all the 114 cases, male patients amount to 72, accounting for 63.16%; Female 42 cases, comprising 36.84%. The ADR induced by Omeprazole reach up to 79 cases, making up 69.30%, and clinic ADR is mainly observed on the nervous system, the digestive system and the cardiovascular system. Conclusion High importance should be attached to the ADR induced by PPIs in clinic to ensure the safe use of drugs.
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    Analysis of 45 Cases of ADR Induced by Moxifloxacin
    WU Dan-lian, CHEN Zhi-gao, DOU Wen-qin ,CHEN Ting-ting
    2013, 10(1): 42-43. 
    Abstract ( 209 )   PDF (529KB) ( 328 )  
    Objective To investigate the general rules and characteristics of moxifloxacin's adverse reaction, so as to provide advice for reducing adverse reaction rate. Method We analysed the moxifloxacin's adverse reaction from 45 inpatients during 2009~2011. Result The number of moxifloxacin's adverse reaction has increased year by year during recent three years, especially 2011. Meanwhile, the percentage of the new and serious ADR, the cutaneous and mucosa ADR and the woman ADR was significantly increased. Conclusion The doctors need to pay attention to moxifloxacin's adverse reaction, especially skin and mucosa ADR.
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    Current Status on Safety Evaluation of Fluoroquinolones
    LI Xing-ru, BI Feng-lan
    2013, 10(1): 44-45. 
    Abstract ( 273 )   PDF (557KB) ( 153 )  
    Fluoroquinolones, as the forth generation of quinolones, are broadly used in clinical medicine because of various advantages, such as cheap price, well absorbed by oral, higher serum concentration, easy to use etc. In this paper, the author introduces the clinical development ,adverse drug reaction and current status on safety monitoring, discussing and analyzing the rational use, providing the reference for ensuring safety and efficacy of fluoroquinolones clinical application.
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    Analysis of 253 Cases of ADR/AE Induced by Lianbizhi Injection
    YANG Wei-bin, WANG Xing-wen ,YU Jiang-yong, JING Zhi-wei, WANG Zhong, CAO Jun-ling ,JIANG Feng
    2013, 10(1): 46-50. 
    Abstract ( 235 )   PDF (631KB) ( 221 )  
    Objective To analyse the types and risk factors of adverse reactions of Lianbizhi injection in order to provide the reference for safe use of this drug. Methods We used "Lianbizhi Injection", "adverse reaction", "treatment"," care report", ect. as the key words, downloaded the original case reports from Chinese Journal Full -text Database (1978.1~2012.3), CNKI and VIP. 36 literatures were picked up from the whole 136 Results . Results Adverse drug reactions can be accumulated and prompted several organ systems to skin damage, such as allergic reactions and gastrointestinal damage, ect. The adverse drug reaction was abrupt and usually occured within 30 minutes and it also could be delayeda few days. The severe cases can cause anaphylactic shock and acute renal failure. Conclusion Lianbizhi injection can cause varies type of adverse drug reactions, it happens mainly to the young adults and those use the combination of Lianbizhi Injection and other drugs at the same time.
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    Analysis of Antibacterial Drugs on Emergency Prescription in Our Hospital
    SUN Qing-min, QIU Zhao-juan
    2013, 10(1): 51-53. 
    Abstract ( 252 )   PDF (624KB) ( 398 )  
    Objective To investigate our hospital emergency antibacterial drugs' use, and provide a reference for the clinical use of drugs. Methods Extracting the emergency pharmacy prescription during April 2012, selecting prescription use of antibacterial drugs(removal of eye medications, topical ointments and Chinese patent medicine). According to our hospital antibacterial drugs' statistical data and use the method of defined daily dose analysis, to analyze the utilization, combination with other drugs, irrational drug use and DDDs value. Results There were 6 118 antibacterial prescriptions. The antibacterial drug use rate was 39.2%. Among the antibacterial drug prescriptions,5 723 of them contained single agent, 6.45% of them contained one, two or more. Cephalosporins, especially the third-generation cephalosporin were used most frequently. The combination mainly contained one drug. The rest mostly contained two. The main irrational drug uses were without indication for the medication, improper administration and one time excessive dosages. Conclusion The using frequency of antibacterial drugs in our hospital was higher than the standard, and pre sented some unreasonable phenomenon. In order to ensure the safe, effective, and economic of medication, we should strengthen the training for rational use of drugs.
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    The Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring In Hospitals
    ZHANG Jing ,WANG Peng-yuan ,PANG Yi-sheng ,HOU Yong-fang
    2013, 10(1): 54-56. 
    Abstract ( 277 )   PDF (585KB) ( 225 )  
    Nearly 90% of the reporting adverse drug reaction(ADR) data are reported by hospitals. However, there is not a method and work model taken by all the hospitals whom generally do their ADR work basing on the correlative regulations. In this article, the advantages、work model and the problems of ADR monitoring in hospital are put forward to offer technique support for the correlative people.
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    The Utilization of SHEL Model in the Management on High-alert Medication of Outpatient Dispensary
    CHEN Yong-Chun, CHEN Xiao-Yan
    2013, 10(1): 57-58. 
    Abstract ( 287 )   PDF (628KB) ( 259 )  
    Objective To ensure the high -alert medication safety of outpatient pharmacy, improve the management level of pharmaceutical affairs. Methods Using SHEL model summarizes and analyzes high -alert medication error events of outpatient pharmacy from 2010. Results High -alert medication error events rate of outpatient pharmacy reduced significantly. Conclusion Through the use of SHEL model on high-alert medication error event of outpatient pharmacy, we could make a definite error problem and find out the solutions, then improve the drug safe supply of drugs and management level, better for patient service.
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