

    08 June 2010, Volume 7 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The Protective Effect of Semen Aesculi Extracts on Gastric Ulcer Induced by Aspirin
    XIN Wen-yu, ZHANG Lei-ming, WANG Tian, FU Feng-hua
    2010, 7(6): 321-323. 
    Abstract ( 203 )   PDF (364KB) ( 187 )  
    Objective To study the protective effect of Semen Aesculi extracts(SAE) on gastric ulcer induced by aspirin in mice. Methods The gastric ulcer was induced by aspirin. SAE(3.5, 7, 14 mg/kg) were administered orally once daily for five consecutive days, or the SAE(7mg/kg) was administered orally before or after the administration of aspirin. The gastric mucosa was examined under a dissecting microscope. Results The level of gastric mucosal lesions was lower in mice treated by SAE(7 or 14 mg/kg)(P<0.05). Simultaneous SAE(7mg/kg) administration with aspirin treatment attenuated the level of gastric mucosal lesions. Conclusion Semen Aesculi extracts can protect the mice from gastric ulcer induced by aspirin.
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    Study on the Effect of Different Original Pinellia ternata on Acute Toxicity and the Main Chemical Composition
    WANG Li, BAO Zhi-ye, HUANG Wei, SUN Rong
    2010, 7(6): 324-326. 
    Abstract ( 193 )   PDF (462KB) ( 199 )  
    Objective By comparing the alkaloids and organic acids content and the acute toxicity of different original Pinellia ternata, to explore the effect of origin on the quality and toxicity of Pinellia ternata. Methods By using the acid dye colorimetry, acid-base titration, HPLC, and the classic acute toxicity experiment method,to determine the content of total alkaloids, total organic acids, ephedrine, guanosine, succinic acid in Pinellia ternata and Typhonium flagelliforme, and compare the acute toxicity. Results The contents of total alkaloids, total organic acids, guanosine, succinic acid in Pinellia ternata are all more than Typhonium Flagelliforme, and the content of ephedrine in Typhonium Flagelliforme is more than Pinellia ternata. The amounts to gavage mice original medicine suspension of Pinellia ternata and Typhonium Flagelliforme by the largest administration every day are separately 34.8g/kg and 38.4g/kg(calculated by raw medicinal herbs amount),which is respectively equal to more than 270.7 times and 298.7 times of 70kg people’s daily dried medicinal herb expenses, by continuous observation of 14 days, and the mice are in good general conditions and no one died. Conclusion There are significant differences on the contents of main chemical composition and the toxicity, the toxicity of Pinellia ternata is more than Typhonium Flagelliforme, and there is some relevance bettween the toxicity and the alkaloids and organic acids content.
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    Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of Pai Shi Ke Li and Potassium Sodium Hydrogen Citrate Healing Urinary System Calculus
    LI Ming-yan, ZHANG Cui-hua
    2010, 7(6): 327-328. 
    Abstract ( 452 )   PDF (341KB) ( 967 )  
    Objective To compare the cost-effect of Pai Shi Ke Li and Potassium Sodium Hydrogen Citrate healing urinary system uric acid calculus. Methods 98 patients who suffered from urinary system calculus were randomly divided into two groups, administrated with Pai Shi Ke Li or Potassium Sodium Hydrogen Citrate,which was evaluated by cost-effect analysis of pharmacoeconomic. Results The effective rate of the Pai Shi Ke Li group was 76.9%,and the effective rate of Potassium Sodium Hydrogen Citrate was 78.3%. The rates of cost-effect were respectively 7.06 and 20.46. Conclusion Pai shi ke li is the better choice for urinary system calculus from pharmcoeconomic point of view.
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    Differentiate Asthma and COPD by Vibration Response Imaging
    ZHANG Xiao-yan, LIN Jiang-tao, LIU Chao-wu
    2010, 7(6): 329-333. 
    Abstract ( 184 )   PDF (453KB) ( 198 )  
    Objective We evaluated the utility of vibration response imaging in differentiating between asthma and COPD. Methods One hundred and twenty-four subjects with asthma or COPD were recorded, before and after the administration of a short-acting bronchodilator, using a computerized lung sound analysis device. Imaging data were compared with the clinical diagnosis, made by the standard Methods(medical history, physical examination, and spirometric indices). Results Blinded evaluation of images demonstrated a significantly higher rate of improvement in image dynamics, MEF, respiratory curve, shape and overall improvement following bronchodilator in subjects with asthma compared with those with COPD. EVP curve showed distinct patterns in timing and amplitude for asthma(accuracy 75%) and COPD(accuracy 79.6%). Combined analyses based on EVP curve evaluation and VRI imaging data demonstrated an overall 83.87% accuracy(78.33% for asthma, 89.06% for COPD) in differentiating between asthma and COPD. Conclusion Combined EVP curve and VRI imaging data evaluations of lung sounds are quite sensitive in distin-guishing between lung sound recordings of COPD and asthma individuals. Lung sound features of synchronization in timing and intensity provide Objective data that may further differentiate these two airway disorders.
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    Analysis and Workflow Discussion of Rational Drug Consultation in Wards Made by Clinical Pharmacists
    HUANG Cui-li, ZHU Man, WANG Dong-xiao, PEI Fei, WANG Bo, WANG Wei-lan
    2010, 7(6): 334-336. 
    Abstract ( 295 )   PDF (446KB) ( 260 )  
    Objective To promote the quality of clinical pharmaceutical care and enhance risk prevention of clinical drugs by analysis and workflow discussion of rational drug consultation in wards made by clinical pharmacists. Methods A total of 310 cases of medication consultation records in our hospital from March to September in 2009 were summa-rized and analyzed statistically based on the classification on the type of consulters and drugs consulted and the content of consultations. Results The doctor was the major consulter, and the percent of advice to accept was 97.42%. The top four types of medicines in terms of consultation frequency in descending order were as follows: anti-infective drugs, cardiovascular drugs, hormones and endocrine system regulation agent, and antineoplastic agents, the percent was 27.94%, 12.70%, 9.21% and 8.25% respectively. Recommendation of drug use was the most frequent subject(35.62 %) in classification of drug consultation, the next was adverse reaction(12.66%). Conclusion The medica-tion consultation made by clinical pharmacists in our hospital achieved remarkable efficiency, but the quality of the medication consultation service remains to be further improved.
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    To Promote the Pharmaceutical Care Service Quality by Electronic Medication Record
    PEI Fei, ZHU Man, WANG Bo, WANG Wei-lan, WANG Dong-xiao, HUANG Cui-li
    2010, 7(6): 337-339. 
    Abstract ( 219 )   PDF (429KB) ( 509 )  
    Objective To analyze and evaluate the electronic medication record for clinical pharmacists work. Methods The electronic medication records were analyzed by Excel software. Results The 133 electronic medication records were accomplished by electronic medication record management system in which drug therapy optimization, adverse drug reaction/event, special populations of drug medication records, drug interaction, unreasonable drug compatibility were respectively 30,25,19,8,2. The proposed recommendations of clinical pharmacist intervention in pharmaceutical care were adopt and concern ed by clinicians was 68 and 18 respectively. Conclusion Clinical pharmacist promote the pharmaceutical care service quality by electronic medication record establishment and the clinical pharmacist's work has been recognized by clinicians, but the clinical pharmacist should pay more efforts on drug interactions, drug unreasonable compatibility.
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    Analysis of Clinical Pharmacists Carry Out Treatment Program Optimization Job
    WANG Wei-lan, ZHU Man, PEI Fei, WANG Bo, WANG Dong-xiao, HUANG Cui-li
    2010, 7(6): 340-342. 
    Abstract ( 179 )   PDF (461KB) ( 192 )  
    Objective To promote clinical rational use of drug, clinical pharmacists found the doctor's orders can or must be optimized by reviewing doctor's advice and discussed with doctor to reduce the risk of clinical medicine and optimize treatment program. Methods Reference to the flowchart of inpatients doctor's advice, Clinical pharmacists reviewed advice of ward(respiratory, cardiology, endocrinology, oncology) to give medication recommendations and to fill in the the registration form by which clinical pharmacists analyzed. Results Clinical Pharmacists proposed to optimize185 the doctor's advice, 108 was adopted by doctors and 31 would be concern about by doctors, 46 did not be adopted. The adoption rate was 58.38%.Contents of the proposals were mainly drug delivery Methods, drug selection, ADR-related issues, drug interactions, treatment, repeat medication, indications, etc. Optimization program involving drugs were mainly circulatory drugs, anti-microbial drugs, respiratory drugs and hormone and related drugs. Conclusion Clinical pharmacist has played a certain role in improving the level of clinical rational drug use, reducing risk and optimizing the delivery of clinical medicine program by doctor's orders review, which helped share experiences and mutual learning among the clinical pharmacists.
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    Discussion on Rational Use of Non-prescription Drugs and Adverse Reactions Avoidance Strategy
    XIA, Dong-sheng
    2010, 7(6): 343-346. 
    Abstract ( 232 )   PDF (563KB) ( 323 )  
    Rational use of non-prescription drugs and effective avoidance of adverse reactions of f Non-prescription(OTC) drugs is the inevitable demand to realize the responsible self-medication. This paper introduces briefly the occurrence and causes of adverse reactions of non-prescription drugs, explores the main strategies on rational use of non-prescription drugs and effective avoidance of adverse reactions of OTC drugs from the four levels: individual con-sumer’s knowledge and behavior on OTC medications, labels and instructions of OTC drugs, pharmacy or medical professional services, and consumer education within the framework of the whole society.
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    Data Characteristics Analysis of Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Report Form in China
    LI Ming, ZHAO Qi, SUN Jun, JIN Shao-hong
    2010, 7(6): 347-348. 
    Abstract ( 191 )   PDF (595KB) ( 302 )  
    Objective To analyze the data characteristics of adverse drug reaction/event report form in China, and give some suggestions in building signal detection and early-warning systems from the perspective of data. Methods Collecting the adverse drug reaction/event report form of United States, Australia and Canada, and comparing with China's, then descriptive analyzing the critical data item of report form in China. Results The data item of adverse drug reaction/event report form can fully reflect the adverse drug reactions/events in China; Part of the data need ruling out and amending because of the inherent drawbacks of the design of the data item of the report form'; The report form' data item can constitute many kinds of signal detection indicators. Conclusion sMust build up an effective database of signal detection and early-warning systems; The data of the report form' are rich of information, can design many kinds of detection and early-warning functions.
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    Empirical Research the Method of Primary Monitoring Organization’s Adverse Drug Reaction Performance Evaluation Executed by Provincial Center
    CHEN Guang-jian, GAO Yang
    2010, 7(6): 349-352. 
    Abstract ( 196 )   PDF (565KB) ( 173 )  
    The author tries to illustrate how the provincial centers should execute primary monitoring organization's Adverse Drug Reaction(ADR) performance evaluation by introducing Hunan's backgrounds, items, effects and points for attention.
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    The PSUR System to the Implications of Chinese Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting System
    XIN Ming-hui, CHEN Yong-fa, SHAO Rong
    2010, 7(6): 353-355. 
    Abstract ( 314 )   PDF (576KB) ( 395 )  
    By analyzing the relevant provisions of descriptions and characteristics of the PSUR system, included the background and significance of the PUSR development, the contents of the requirements and data sources, the frequency of reporting and the main responsibility. It recommend that China should improve and promote the PSUR system, as to be a complement of Chinese adverse reaction reporting system, while clarified its main reporting and improved enterprise on a regular basis to report adverse reactions and sense of responsibility.
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    Hepatic Lesion Induced by Traditional Chinese Drug and Drug Risk Management
    FENG Hong-yun
    2010, 7(6): 356-358. 
    Abstract ( 187 )   PDF (571KB) ( 223 )  
    Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is the important component of traditional Chinese medicine, has de-voted to human being healthy. Along with the development of traditional medicine and integrated Chinese-western therapy, hepatic lesion induced by traditional Chinese drug is attended gradually. In order to control the severe con-sequence, the author analyzed the current situation and reasons of hepatic lesion induced by traditional Chinese drug, and suggested the prevention and drug risk management intervention for hepatic lesion induced by traditional Chinese drug.
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    The Survey of Healthcare Professionals on Cognition Degree for Adverse Drug Reaction in Taiyuan
    GUO Jian-ping, XU Ya-xin, YANG Hong, ZHEN Wang-wei, CHENG Jing-min
    2010, 7(6): 359-362. 
    Abstract ( 197 )   PDF (639KB) ( 150 )  
    Objective To investigate the cognition degree on adverse drug reactions(ADR) among healthcare professionals as to improve and promote the ADR reporting and monitoring. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among the healthcare professionals of different level hospitals and cliniques in Taiyuan. Results The healthcare professionals in Taiyuan had a basic knowledge of ADR, for example the concept of ADR, whether ADR is the patent of new drugs, but they knew a very little about ADR reporting consciousness, ADR reporting procedure, law consciousness about ADR, etc. Conclusion Both propaganda and education should be strengthened to improve the cognition degree about ADR during the healthcare professionals and to elevate their consciousness in the ADR monitoring. The ADR monitoring system should be promoted to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medication.
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    Application of the Respiratory Quinolonone Antimicrobial Agents in Community-acquired Pneumonia
    YANG Shu-gui, GUO Dong-jie, LU Jin
    2010, 7(6): 363-365. 
    Abstract ( 204 )   PDF (542KB) ( 489 )  
    The respiratory quinolonone antimicrobial agents treatment of community acquired pneumonia significant effect. This article from the role of the respiratory quinolonone antimicrobial agents antibacterial characteristics, etiology of community-acquired pneumonia and the respiratory quinolonone antimicrobial agents treatment of community acquired pneumonia in three aspects were discussed to provide assistance for clinical medication.
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    Analysis of Antibiotics Clinical Usage Monitoring Survey in Primary Hospital
    CUI Ting, LI Yan-li, FENG Duan-hao
    2010, 7(6): 366-369. 
    Abstract ( 225 )   PDF (667KB) ( 187 )  
    Objective In the first quarter of 2010 hospitalized patients in clinical use of antimicrobial agents, to provide a basis for further developing intervention to promote the rational use of drugs. Methods Investigation and monitoring all that day in patients with antibiotics usage; by about 25 percent of randomly selected offices of physician information and electronic patient records, from various angles to antimicrobial drugs used by performing a comprehensive analysis of the data; for part of the date of sampling department monitoring all hospitalized patients, the survey on the use of antibiotics. Results In my hospital antibiotic overall usage is 60.88%; antibacterial drugs to monotherapy, 47.57%; combined mainly concentrated in the second with 32.04%; Institute for pathogens check and drug susceptibility testing ratio is low, only 27.18%. Sampling department use of antibiotics to β-lactam, cephalosporin most high frequency; restrictions on the use of varieties use too much, too high a frequency, the proportion is too large, transplant division special use of antimicrobial agents rates highest for 19.50%; combined usage is high, mostly in the second with the primary; pathogens check and drug susceptibility testing. Conclusion sIn my hospital antibiotic overall usage is high, should be considered fair use, is still a need to intensify the use of antimicrobial agents in the management and super-vision.
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    Analysis of 153 Cases of Adverse Drug Reaction Caused by Salvia miltiorrhiza
    JIN Jian, JIN Zhi-gui, XIAO Zhong-ge, WU Fei-hua
    2010, 7(6): 370-371. 
    Abstract ( 170 )   PDF (669KB) ( 239 )  
    Objective To analyze the general pattern and features of adverse drug reaction(ADR) induced by Salvia miltiorrhiza for reference of rational drug use in the clinic. Methods The Salvia miltiorrhiza induced ADR cases reported in China from 1993 to 2009 were collected and analyzed. Results There were 153 cases, females over males in ADR cases. Total body damage and allergic reaction was the major ADR type(58.8%). Conclusion Clinicians should attach great importance to the ADR caused by Salvia miltiorrhiza and understand regular pattern of occurrence and take reasonable and effective method to ensure medication safety.
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    Analysis of 674 Adverse Drug Reaction Reports
    BAI Yan-jun, JIN Feng, LIU Jing, ZHANG Ying, YUAN Qiu-ju, LI Xin-ling
    2010, 7(6): 372-374. 
    Abstract ( 229 )   PDF (662KB) ( 302 )  
    Objective To study the general pattern and characteristics of adverse drug reaction/event(ADR/ADE) occurred in our hospital for references of rationaI drug use. Methods A total of 674 ADR/ADE cases collected from Janury 2005 to December 2008 were analyzed statistically in respect of patients’ age and sex,drug variet, clinical manifestations,ADR involved organs or systems. Results In the 674 ADR/ADE cases, mainly anti-infective drugs(44.18%), followed by Traditional Chinese Medcines(29.08%). The ADR/ADE were chiefly characterized by the lesions of skin and appen-dants(35.32%). Conclusion The incidence of ADR/ADE can be reduced by strengthening monitoring of ADR and mastering the law of ADR occurrence.
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    Analysis of 5 Reports of Acute Liver Damage Induced by Zhixue Capsule
    YANG Wan-hua, HE Juan
    2010, 7(6): 375-376. 
    Abstract ( 230 )   PDF (602KB) ( 154 )  
    Objective The epidemiological characteristics of acute liver damage induced by Zhixue Capsule was inves-tigated. Methods The severe adverse drug reactions(ADR) reports on liver damage induced by Zhixue Capsule have been analyzed retrospectively. Results 5 patients administered the Zhixue Capsule and the average medication time was(22+12) days. The clinical manifestations of the acute liver damage induced by Zhixue Capsule included jaundice, fatigue, fever, abdominal distension, nausea, anorexia and poor appetite. Liver function examination showed that the alanine aminotransferase(ALT) was between 599~3380 U/L,the total bilirubin(TBIL) was between 5.6~489 mol/L, and the eosinophilic granulocyte also get higher after administration. Conclusion The densefruit pittany root-bark in Zhixue Ca-pasule may be the major cawse of the acute liver damage. So it suggest that clinician should determine the treatment based on differentiation of sym ptoms and signs to Drug-induced liver damage should be evaluated, and promote rational use of drugs, decrease the incidence of adverse drug reactions.
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