中国药物警戒 ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (5): 553-558.
DOI: 10.19803/j.1672-8629.20240030

• 基础与临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


李瑶1,2, 陈瑜鑫1,2, 高海云1,2, 李慧1,2, 刘天睿1,2,3#, 袁媛1,2,4,5,*   

  1. 1中国中医科学院中医药健康产业研究所,中药资源可持续利用江西省重点实验室,江西 南昌 330115;
    2江西中医药健康产业研究院,江西 南昌 330115;
    3昭通学院,云南省天麻与真菌共生生物学重点实验室,云南 昭通 657099;
    4中国中医科学院中药资源中心,道地药材品质保障与资源持续利用全国重点实验室,北京 100700;
    5青海民族大学化学化工学院,青海 西宁 810007
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-12 出版日期:2024-05-15 发布日期:2024-05-13
  • 通讯作者: *袁媛,女,博士,研究员·博导,中药鉴定与分子生药学。 #为共同通信作者。
  • 作者简介:李瑶,女,硕士,研究实习员,药食同源资源发掘与可持续利用。
  • 基金资助:
    中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(ZZ16-ND-12, ZZ16-XRZ-105); 中国中医科学院科技创新工程重大攻关项目(CI2021B014,CI2023D001/CI2023E002-04); 中央本级重大增减支项目(2060302); 江西省“双千计划”项目(TMKF2023B01); 青海省“昆仑英才·高端创新创业人才”计划项目; 国家杰出青年科学基金(82325049); 江西省中医药标准化研究项目(2022B13)

Analysis of prescription rules for Omphalia lapidescens based on the Dictionary of Chinese Traditional Medicine Prescriptions

LI Yao1,2, CHEN Yuxin1,2, GAO Haiyun1,2, LI Hui1,2, LIU Tianrui1,2,3#, YUAN Yuan1,2,4,5,*   

  1. 1Key Laboratory of Sustainable Utilization of Traditional Chinese Medicine Resources in Jiangxi Province, Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Nanchang Jiangxi 330115, China;
    2Jiangxi Health Industry Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanchang Jiangxi 330115, China;
    3Yunnan Key Laboratory of Gastrodia and Fungi Symbiotic Biology, Zhaotong University, Zhaotong Yunnan 657099, China;
    4State Key Laboratory for Quality Ensurance and Sustainable Use of Dao-di Herbs, National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;
    5School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Qinghai Minzu University, Xining Qinghai 810007, China
  • Received:2024-01-12 Online:2024-05-15 Published:2024-05-13

摘要: 目的 基于数据挖掘方法探究《中医方剂大辞典》中雷丸的组方用药规律。方法 以《中医方剂大辞典》为信息源,梳理含雷丸的方剂,构建雷丸方药数据库;采用文献分析和数据挖掘方法,探讨雷丸的增效减毒及其方剂主治病症类型、药物配伍情况;利用关联规则分析探寻其在常见病中的配伍特点;使用皮尔逊相关性分析发掘药-证的相关性,总结其用药规律。结果 含有雷丸方剂的剂型主要为丸剂和散剂,高频用药为槟榔、大黄、木香等,与雷丸配伍的主要为驱虫药、泻下药及理气药等,且味多为苦、辛,归胃经、脾经。其中“槟榔-雷丸”出现的药对配伍频数最高,其次是“大黄-雷丸”“木香-雷丸”;雷丸方剂的主治病症为虫积的频数最高,其次为疳证、积滞等。皮尔逊相关性分析结果表明,治疗虫积配伍槟榔、木香、使君子、芜荑、鹤虱等;治疗疳证配伍胡黄连、黄连、青皮等;治疗积滞配伍神曲、陈皮、牵牛子、三棱等。结论 雷丸与槟榔等配伍可加强杀虫消积的功效;与胡黄连、大黄等配伍可增加泻下攻积的作用,以上可能会引起轻微的胃肠道不良反应;与陈皮、神曲等配伍可保护胃黏膜,减轻胃肠不良反应。但雷丸毒性物质基础研究等未见报道,仍需深入研究,为雷丸临床应用提供更确切的基础。

关键词: 雷丸, 中医方剂大辞典, 配伍, 用药规律, 数据挖掘, 关联规则, 皮尔逊相关性

Abstract: Objective To explore the prescription and medication rules of Omphalia lapidescens in the Dictionary of Chinese Traditional Medicine Prescriptions based on data mining method. Methods With the Dictionary of Chinese Traditional Medicine Prescriptions as the information source, the prescriptions containing O. lapidescens were identified, and a prescription database for O. lapidescens was created. The methods of enhancing the efficacy and reducing the toxicity of O. lapidescens, the types of symptoms and the compatibility of O. lapidescens were discussed by using literature data mining methods. The compatibility characteristics of O. lapidescens in common diseases were explored by association rule analysis. Pearson correlation analysis was used to uncover drug- disease correlations and summarize medication patterns. Results The main dosage forms of O. lapidescens prescription were pill and powder, the high frequency drugs were Areca catechu, Rheum officinale, and Aucklandia lappa. The compatibility of O. lapidescens was anthelmintics, purgatives, and drugs for regulating Qi flow with the flavors of bitter or spicy. Meridian tropism is mainly distributed in the spleen and stomach meridian. Among them, “A. catechu-O. lapidescens” had the highest frequency of drug pair compatibility, followed by “R. officinale-O. lapidescens”, and then “A. lappa-O. lapidescens”. The O. lapidescens formula has the highest frequency of treating the main condition of worm accumulation, followed by malnutrition and stagnation. The results of Pearson correlation analysis showed that the treatment of worm accumulation was compatible with A. catechu, A. lappa, Quisqualis indica, Ulmus macrocarpa, and Carpesium abrotano; Treatment malnutrition was compatible with picrorhiza scrophulariiflora, Coptis chinensis, and Citrus reticulata; Treatment malnutrition stagnation was compatible with Massa fermentata, Citrus reticulata, Pharbitis nil, and Sparganium stoloni. Conclusion The combination of O. lapidescens (Lei Wan) and A. catechu (Bing Lang) can enhance the efficacy of killing worms and eliminating stagnation; The combination of O. lapidescens (Lei Wan), P. scrophulariiflora (Hu Huanglian), and R. officinale (Da Huang) may increase the effect of diarrhea and attack the accumulation, which may cause mild gastrointestinal adverse reactions; The combination of O. lapidescens (Lei Wan), A. Citrus reticulata Blanco (Chen Pi) and M. Fermentata (Shen Qu) can protect gastric mucosa and reduce gastrointestinal adverse reactions. However, the basic research on the toxic substances of O. lapidescens has not been reported, and further research is still needed to provide a more accurate basis for the clinical use of O. lapidescens.

Key words: Omphalia lapidescens, Dictionary of Chinese Traditional Medicine Prescriptions, the compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), prescription medication, literature data mining, association rules, Pearson correlation analysis
