Guide to Authors

  • Chinese Journal of Pharmacovigilance (CJPV) is a single blind peer-reviewed academic journal, directed by National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) and sponsored by Center for Drug Reevaluation (CDR)/ National Center for ADR Monitoring, China (ADR).

    CJPV has been conducting peer-review from since 2004 and operated an online submission from 2009. The system is easy to use and allows authors to submit papers online and track their progress through the editorial process. 

    Manuscript Review Process

    1.1 Submissions of Manuscripts  

    The author needs to register an account and submit the manuscript online.

    Precautions: Prior or duplicate publications are not accepted. All manuscripts, especially data, must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The authors should make a full disclosure of any past submissions. Submitted manuscripts should be accompanied by a covering letter giving: ① the title of the manuscript; ② a statement that the manuscript has not been published in part or whole (except in the form of abstract) nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere in any language.The source of financial assistance and other support must be acknowledged. The contribution of colleagues or institutions should also be acknowledged.

    1.2 Manuscript Receipt

    Upon receipt of a manuscript, the Editorial Office will immediately assign a code number which should be used in all subsequent correspondence. An acknowledgement of receipt letter will be sent to the corresponding author. After pre-review by the editors, They decide whether these papers to be declined and or accepted for peer-review.

    1.3 Two-Peer review

    CJPV maintains a database of nearly 500 peer reviewers nationwide in most areas of pharmacy expertise. The accepted manuscripts would then be sent to experts in the related fields for peer-review. Every paper should be sent to two experts at least. If two or more reviewers suggest accepting the paper for publication, manuscripts would proceed to next step.

    1.4 Revision

    On receipt of comments from the Editorial Office, the authors should revise their manuscript, answer the comments one by one. A revised manuscript will be considered a new submission if not returned to the Editorial Office within the specified time and communicate invalidly.

    1.5 Rejected manuscripts

    If a manuscript is not accepted for publication, the authors will receive a decision letter along with the reviewers’ comments.

    1.6 Proof reading

    Checking the proofs is solely the authors’ responsibility. Answer any queries on the proof itself. Corrections are restricted to printer’s errors and should be made legibly (preferably by typing) in the margins. Use universally accepted proofreader’s signs and symbols. If the authors feel the need to include new information, it should be inserted as a “Note added in proof” and will be included with the permission of the Editorial Office.

    1.7 Copyright Assignment Form

    Papers accepted for publication become the copyright of CJPV and authors will be asked to sign a transfer of copyright form. In signing the transfer of copyright, it is assumed that authors have obtained permission to use any copyrighted or previously published material. All authors must read and agree to the conditions outlined in the Copyright Assignment Form and must sign it. Articles will not be published until a signed Copyright Assignment Form has been received.

    1.8 Explanation of fees

    Upon publication of the manuscript, the first author will be given 2 paper copies of the current issue of the journal. At the same time, the fee will be paid according to the number of words (the first author/corresponding author will decide the distribution of the fee). The journal has been added to the CD-ROM and online versions of China Knowledge Network (CNKI) and related databases. The author's copyright royalty is paid in a lump sum with the journal's fee.

    1.9 Author's copyright statement

    Before publication, the first author/corresponding author must upload a copyright assignment agreement signed by all authors and verified by the unit, with all author signatures, units and sequencing provided and agreed by the team, and the author's unit agreeing that the content of the article may be published publicly.

    2.0 Description of data sharing/reproducibility

    Our journal follows the CC protocol. The journal's website is permanently operational and provides free electronic downloads of all publications from the January 2010 issue to the present. All publications from the journal's inception (2004) to the present can be accessed on CNKI, Vip and Wanfang Data.

  • 2021-01-01 Visited: 11101