中国药物警戒 ›› 2016, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 154-158.

• 法规与管理研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1 江西省药品不良反应监测中心,江西 南昌 330046;
    2 国家食品药品监督管理总局药品评价中心,北京 100045
  • 收稿日期:2016-01-04 修回日期:2016-04-12 出版日期:2016-03-20 发布日期:2016-04-12
  • 通讯作者: 徐玉茗,男,教授级高级工程师,药事管理。
  • 作者简介:余超,女,硕士,馆员,药物流行病学。

Demand Investigation of Interconnection between Hospital Information System and National Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring System in China

YU Chao1, XU Yu-ming1, LI Xin-ling2, WANG Ling2, ZHOU Juan1, WAN Kai-hua1, XU Jin1, YUAN Xin-dong1   

  1. 1. Jiangxi Center for Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring, Jiangxi Nanchang 330046, China;
    2. Center for Drug Reevaluation, CFDA, Beijing 100045, China
  • Received:2016-01-04 Revised:2016-04-12 Online:2016-03-20 Published:2016-04-12

摘要: 目的 调研国内医院信息系统(HIS)和国家药品不良反应(ADR)系统建设的现状,收集和确定医院对于系统对接功能的需求。方法 采用文献研究、意见征求、问卷调查、座谈访谈、现场观摩等方法 ,按地理位置分层抽样法,对黑龙江、上海、重庆、甘肃、云南、江西6个省份的34家医疗机构的进行需求调研。以医院信息化部门负责人、ADR监测人员等为调查对象,共计362人。收到反馈问卷362份。结果 34家三级医院均是非营利性医院,额定床位数均在1 000张以上,在职人员人数平均1 824人,上年度门诊量平均在108万人次以上。76.47%(26/34)的医院主要以手工方式上报ADR报告,且未建院内ADR监测系统。 85.29%的院内HIS系统可进行二次开发。就HIS系统与ADR监测系统连接方式, 64.71%的医院选择布置交换机自动交换方式。对接功能需求主要分为系统维护功能、日常业务功能、ADR查询统计功能、临床用药和决策辅助功能4类,其 总体需求率分别为100%、90.33%、80.94%和90.33%。结论 本研究确立了以系统维护功能、日常业务功能、 ADR查询统计功能、临床用药决策辅助功能4类需求功能为主的对接系统功能。

关键词: 医院信息系统, 国家药品不良反应监测系统, 对接, 需求

Abstract: Objective To study the current state of construction of domestic hospital information system (HIS) and the national adverse drug reaction monitoring system (NADRMS), and to collect and confirm the demands of hospital for the connection of HIS and NADRMS. Methods The Methods of analyzing literature, consultation, questionnaire survey, interviewing and on-scene observation were used, 34 medical institutions from 6 provinces, namely Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Chongqing, Gansu, Yunnan, and Jiangxi were investigated by stratified sampling method according to geographical location. 362 medical workers were investigated, including heads of hospital information technology department and ADR monitoring personnel, and 362 questionnaires were received. Results 34 tertiary hospitals were all non-profit ones with more than 1 000 rated beds, the average number of in-service staff was 1 824, and average outpatient amount of the prior year was above 1.08 million person-time. 76.47% (26/34) of those hospitals mainly reported ADR reports manually, and didn’t build hospital ADR monitoring system. 85.29% of the hospital HIS were able to do secondary development. On the issue of the type of communicating HIS and NADRMS, 64.71% of the hospital selected the type of automatic exchange through the interchanger. The functional requirements of docking were mainly divided into four categories: the system maintenance, daily service, ADR enquiry and statistics, and clinical application and decision-making assistance, their rates of overall demand were 100%, 90.33%, 80.94% and 100% respectively. Conclusion This paper established functions of docking system that mainly include four types of demand function, namely the system maintenance, daily service, ADR enquiry and statistics, and clinical application and decision-making assistance.

Key words: hospital information system, national adverse drug reaction monitoring system, interconnection, demand
