中国药物警戒 ›› 2010, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (6): 359-362.

• 管理研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


郭建平, 许雅鑫, 杨虹, 郑王维, 程景民*   

  1. 山西医科大学,山西 太原 030001
  • 收稿日期:2016-02-22 修回日期:2016-02-22 出版日期:2010-06-08 发布日期:2016-02-22
  • 通讯作者: 程景民,男,博士,副教授,药品安全管理。
  • 作者简介:郭建平,男,本科,药事管理。
  • 基金资助:

The Survey of Healthcare Professionals on Cognition Degree for Adverse Drug Reaction in Taiyuan

GUO Jian-ping, XU Ya-xin, YANG Hong, ZHEN Wang-wei, CHENG Jing-min   

  1. Shanxi Medical University ,Shanxi Taiyuan 030001, China
  • Received:2016-02-22 Revised:2016-02-22 Online:2010-06-08 Published:2016-02-22

摘要: 目的 调查太原市医务人员对药品不良反应(ADR)的认知程度,为进一步促进和完善ADR报告和监测提供参考。方法 采用调查问卷的形式,对太原市不同级别医院和诊所的医务人员进行抽样调查。结果 太原市医务人员对ADR基本知识如ADR的概念、是否只有新药才发生ADR等有所了解,但存在ADR报告意识淡薄,对报告程序不了解,ADR的法律意识不强等问题。结论 应加强有关ADR知识的宣传与培训,提高太原市医务人员对ADR的认知度,提升其在ADR监测工作中的自觉性。同时,应完善ADR监测体系,保障公众用药安全。

关键词: 药品不良反应(ADR), 医务人员, 认知, 监测

Abstract: Objective To investigate the cognition degree on adverse drug reactions(ADR) among healthcare professionals as to improve and promote the ADR reporting and monitoring. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among the healthcare professionals of different level hospitals and cliniques in Taiyuan. Results The healthcare professionals in Taiyuan had a basic knowledge of ADR, for example the concept of ADR, whether ADR is the patent of new drugs, but they knew a very little about ADR reporting consciousness, ADR reporting procedure, law consciousness about ADR, etc. Conclusion Both propaganda and education should be strengthened to improve the cognition degree about ADR during the healthcare professionals and to elevate their consciousness in the ADR monitoring. The ADR monitoring system should be promoted to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medication.

Key words: adverse drug reaction(ADR), healthcare professionals, cognition, monitoring
