中国药物警戒 ›› 2010, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4): 221-223.

• 管理研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

FDA 2007修正案对于美国制药行业的影响及对我国药品安全监管的启示

边博洋, 郭剑飞   

  1. 美国辛辛那提大学药学院,美国 俄亥俄州 45267
  • 收稿日期:2016-02-19 修回日期:2016-02-19 出版日期:2010-04-08 发布日期:2016-02-19
  • 作者简介:边博洋,男,硕士,药物流行病学和药物经济学。E-mail:

The Impact of FDA Amendment Act 2007 to US Pharmaceutical Industry in US and the Enlightenment to Drug safety Surveillance System in China

BIAN Bo-yang, GUO Jian-fei   

  1. Univeristy of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy Cincinnati Ohio US 45267
  • Received:2016-02-19 Revised:2016-02-19 Online:2010-04-08 Published:2016-02-19

摘要: 2007修正案是美国近40年来最重大的一次医药行业法律法规改革,其涉及的领域覆盖医药管理的各个方面,其制药企业需修改以往的部分工作程序以适应2007修正案的新要求。2007修正案为我国药品监管部门的工作,特别是药品安全监督工作具有借鉴意义,我国在药品安全管理中应与国际接轨,变原有的事后危机管理模式为新型的全面化过程管理。

关键词: 修正案, 药品安全, 药品上市后安全研究, 风险评价和规避方案

Abstract: Introduce the main contents of FDA amendment act 2007(FDAAA). in this article we review the related files and documents about FDAAA and introduce about the several contents about FDAAA. FDAAA is one of the most important reforms about pharmaceutical industry laws and regulations in US in last 40 years. It touched almost every aspect of process of pharmaceutical management system in US. It is important for pharmaceutical companies to understand the implications of FDAAA. We suggested China should using some experience from FDAAA in our pharmaceutical management work, especially in the drug safety and surveillance.

Key words: amendmentact, drug safety, post-market safety study, Approved Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies(REMS)
