中国药物警戒 ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (5): 587-593.
DOI: 10.19803/j.1672-8629.20240070

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胡晓祯1, 马丽娜2,3,*, 何婷2, 顾媛媛2, 赵薇2, 郑长辉1, 叶祖光3, 曹俊岭1,4#   

  1. 1北京中医药大学中药学院,北京 100029;
    2北京中医药大学东方医院药学部,北京 100078;
    3中国中医科学院中药研究所,北京 100700;
    4北京中医药大学东直门医院,北京 100700
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-25 出版日期:2024-05-15 发布日期:2024-05-13
  • 通讯作者: *马丽娜,女,博士,助理研究员,中药药理与毒理学。E-mail: #为共同通信作者。
  • 作者简介:胡晓祯,女,硕士,中药药理与毒理学。
  • 基金资助:

Literature research on ancient and modern literature of Dichroae Radix and Shu lacquer

HU Xiaozhen1, MA Lina2,3,*, HE Ting2, GU Yuanyuan2, ZHAO Wei2, ZHENG Changhui1, YE Zuguang3, CAO Junling1,4#   

  1. 1School of Chinese Materia Medica, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Beijing 100029, China;
    2Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China;
    3Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China;
    4Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Post-doctoral Scientific Research Center, Beijing 100700, China
  • Received:2024-01-25 Online:2024-05-15 Published:2024-05-13

摘要: 目的 探究常山、蜀漆的基原、产地、性味归经、功效、毒性特点,以期为常山、蜀漆的研究与合理应用提供参考。方法 以第5版中华医典数据库、读秀数据库、中医智库在线古籍数据库为检索范围,考证常山、蜀漆的基原、产地、性味归经、功效、毒性,同时结合现代文献研究进行分析。结果 发现常山、蜀漆别名较多,分布广泛,喜阴凉湿润环境,以四川产量最大,质量最优。常山的性味与归经在历代古籍中未发现明显变化,但蜀漆性味记载存在分歧,且归经论述较少,未得统一。古籍载常山、蜀漆功效多为截疟、涌吐,现代药理研究发现两者还具有抗球虫、抗肿瘤、解热、降压、抗流感病毒等药理作用。但因两者均存在一定毒性,为保证安全用药,传统多通过炮制及配伍进行减毒存效,现代多从其活性成分本身的结构修饰及致毒机理实现减毒增效。结论 古今文献梳理发现常山及蜀漆,除截疟外还具有抗肿瘤等多种药理活性,研发前景良好,但囿于其存在一定的毒性,制约了其临床应用,传统临床多通过炮制、配伍减毒存效,现代学者尝试通过结构修饰和改变给药途径减毒增效,为其减毒增效提供了新的思路和方向。

关键词: 常山, 蜀漆, 基原, 产地, 性味, 功效主治, 毒性, 减毒, 抗肿瘤

Abstract: Objective To study the source, areas of production, taste, efficacy and toxicity of Dichroae Radix and Shu lacquer in order to provide reference for research and rational application of Dichroae Radix and Shu lacquer. Methods Using the 5th edition of Chinese Medical Classics Database, Duxiu Database and Chinese Medicine Think Tank Online Ancient Book Database as the subject, the origin, areas of production, flavor, meridian tropism, efficacy and toxicity of Dichroae Radix and Shu lacquer were studied. At the same time, in-depth exploration was carried out in combination with modern literature research. Results It was found that Dichroae Radix and Shu lacquer were called differently and were widely distributed. They preferred cool and humid environments. The yield was the largest and the quality highest in Sichuan. The taste and meridian tropism of Dichroae Radix were found to change little in the records of ancient books, but there were differences in the records of Shu lacquer taste. In ancient books, the efficacy of Dichroae Radix and Shu lacquer was mostly to cure malaria and stop vomiting. Modern pharmacological studies found that they also had anticoccidial, anti-tumor, antipyretic, antihypertensive, anti-influenza and other pharmacological effects. However, because of toxicity, they used to be made less toxic and more effective via processing and compatibility, but now via structural modification and toxicity mechanism of their active ingredients. Conclusion Dichroae Radix and Shu lacquer not only have a variety of pharmacological activities such as anti-tumor and anti-malaria properties, but promise good prospects. However, their toxicity poses an obstacle to clinical applications. As processing and compatibility were adopted in the past, modern scholars have attempted to reduce toxicity and increase efficiency through structural modification and change of administration routes. This study is expected to offer a new line of thought for related research.

Key words: Dichroae Radix, Shu lacquer, origin, taste, areas of production, efficacy, toxicity, reducing toxicity, anti-tumor
