中国药物警戒 ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (5): 502-506.
DOI: 10.19803/j.1672-8629.20240052

• 药用真菌资源开发与安全应用专栏(一) • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1中国中医科学院中医药健康产业研究所,中药资源可持续利用江西省重点实验室,江西 南昌 330115;
    2江西中医药健康产业研究院,江西 南昌 330115;
    3昭通学院,云南省天麻与真菌共生生物学重点实验室,云南 昭通 657099;
    4中国中医科学院中药资源中心,道地药材品质保障与资源持续利用全国重点实验室,北京 100700
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-25 出版日期:2024-05-15 发布日期:2024-05-13
  • 通讯作者: *袁媛,女,博士,研究员·博导,中药鉴定与分子生药学。 #为共同通信作者。
  • 作者简介:高海云,女,硕士,研究实习员,中药资源与分子生药学。
  • 基金资助:
    中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(ZZ16-ND-12、ZZ16-XRZ-105); 中国中医科学院科技创新工程重大攻关项目(CI2021B014、CI2023D001/CI2023E002-04); 中央本级重大增减支项目(2060302); 江西省“双千计划”项目(TMKF2023B01); 国家杰出青年科学基金(82325049)

Herbal textual research and adverse reaction study of Coprinus comatus

GAO Haiyun1,2, CHEN Yuxin1,2, LI Yao1,2, LI Hui1,2, LIU Tianrui1,2,3#, YUAN Yuan1,2,4,*   

  1. 1Key Laboratory of Sustainable Utilization of Traditional Chinese Medicine Resources in Jiangxi Province, Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Nanchang Jiangxi 330115, China;
    2Jiangxi Health Industry Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanchang Jiangxi 330115, China;
    3Yunnan Key Laboratory of Gastrodia and Fungi Symbiotic Biology, Zhaotong University, Zhaotong Yunnan 657099, China;
    4State Key Laboratory for Quality Ensurance and Sustainable Use of Dao-di Herbs, National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China
  • Received:2024-01-25 Online:2024-05-15 Published:2024-05-13

摘要: 目的 探究药用真菌毛头鬼伞的用药历史与现代研究进展,为毛头鬼伞进一步研究应用提供参考。方法 查阅古代本草专著,对毛头鬼伞的名称、产地、形态、药性、功效进行考证,并结合现代文献研究进行深入探索。结果 毛头鬼伞用药历史悠久,其古代名称为鬼盖、地盖、鬼屋等,现代称毛头鬼伞、鸡腿菇。性平、味甘,归胃、心经,主治小儿寒热惊痫证、疔疮肿毒、恶疮、蜈蚣蛇蝎伤。现代药理学研究表明毛头鬼伞具有抗氧化、抗癌、保护肝脏、抗炎、抗糖尿病、抗菌、抗病毒和抗线虫活性等药理作用。通过系统查阅古今文献发现,毛头鬼伞可能引起双硫仑样反应、胃肠炎型中毒、特应性皮炎患者的皮肤反应、富集重金属等不良反应。结论 通过对毛头鬼伞的本草考证及不良反应进行总结,可为毛头鬼伞的安全利用提供依据。

关键词: 毛头鬼伞, 鸡腿菇, 本草考证, 双硫仑样反应, 药用安全, 不良反应

Abstract: Objective Exploring the medication history and modern research progress of the medicinal fungus Coprinus comatus, providing reference for further research and application of C. comatus. Methods By consulting ancient herbal monographs, we conducted research on the name, origin, morphology, medicinal properties, and efficacy of C. comatus, and conducted in-depth exploration in combination with modern literature research. Results C. comatus has a long history of being used in medicine. The ancient names of C. comatus were Gui Gai, Di Gai, Gui Wu. C. comatus and shaggy mane were the modern names of C. comatus. C. comatus was sweet in properties, flat in tastes, and distributed to stomach and heart meridian tropisms. It is used in the treatment of children's cold and feverish epilepsy, boils and swollen poisons, malignant sores, and centipede, snake and scorpion injuries. Modern pharmacological studies had shown that C. comatus had pharmacological effects such as antioxidant, anticancer, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antinematode activity. Through a systematic review of ancient and modern literature, it was found that C. comatus may cause adverse reactions such as disulfiram-like reaction, gastroenteritis-type poisoning, skin reactions in atopic dermatitis patients, and heavy metal enrichment. Conclusion This article provides a basis for the safe utilization of C. comatus by summarizing the herbal research and adverse reactions of C. comatus.

Key words: Coprinus comatus, Shaggy mane, herbal textual research, disulfiram-like reaction, pharmaceutical security, adverse reaction
